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Women living with advanced breast cancer

Linda Nadort
Linda Nadort Member Posts: 31
edited September 2016 in Metastatic breast cancer

This is an on-line forum for women living with advanced breast cancer (secondary breast cancer) Somewhere to blog aiming to create a network of likewise people who can support each other through online blogging.

Not to discuss treatments and what does and doesn't work, but to support each other through the ups and downs of every day life with advanced disease.

My motto is to enjoy each day and the simple pleasures in life.

Look forward to many more likewise women joining.

We have 6 members at present and looking to grow this number.



Edit: Just adding a link to the group for everyone's convenience. You can find the group here: Women living with advanced breast cancer. (added by Di)



  • truband
    truband Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2015

    Hi Linda,

    I live in a small rural town with no support groups and I am the only woman Iin my town with secondary breast cancer. It was found in my lymph nodes in my neck and the oncologist is confident it will go somewhere else so I am finding life difficult.


  • ElaineG
    ElaineG Dragonfly Posts: 60
    How are you ladies going now?
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Keeping busy and retired...?Hoping everyone finds time to enjoy some personal time..me doing lots weeding..pull out lots  ! listening to birds and catch up with lizard population ... lucky to live near  beach..finished restoring glass widows...wake up to green sunrise tomorrow ..muffins to make   :)
  • Ephima
    Ephima Member Posts: 7
    Hi Linda,
    I have just started taxol for liver mets. I am not sure how I feel about this procedure . Had one treatment so far and I must admit to not being very impressed.
    I am usually a grateful person for what passes through my life but I can see that this experience may test that.
    I admire these women who have the fortitude to overcome these huge odds.