Hello Girls, Went for my 'restaging' scans on 06/01/17 & my bloods were taken today to measure my tumor markers, my oncology appointment is 27/01/17. So.... now the wait begins again, no sleep, lots of anxiety, nervous nausea, all the fun things. I dont get why they restage??? isnt metastatic bc stage 4??? isnt it…
Wish the rollercoaster would slow down
Friday I found out my head MRI results - there are 3 new teeny teeny tiny spots. Not again!!!! Friday was lots of tears of sheer frustration. Still doing Abraxane chemo for the bone mets & tired of being tired, not being allowed to drive & I miss working. Radiation Oncologist wants another head MRI in 8 weeks. Possibly…
"Living with metastatic breast cancer" has a new group leader
Although this part of the forum is open to anyone affected by metastatic breast cancer, including diagnosed women and men as well as family and friends of those diagnosed, we also have a private group for people living metastatic breast cancer. The group was led by that wonderful turtle-heart @Pink66 who passed away in…
Well Earned...
It was sooo hot & the hills sooooo big but I did it..... in 43.46 minutes.... 5km in the Brimbank Trail Run, that medal was well earned I can tell you & the going was tough... I am 822 in the middle, after picture to come
Is anyone taking Zoladex injection and Letrozole tablet?
hi, I recently been diagnosed stage 4 breast cancer and the cancer cells already spread to several spots in the bones. The surgeon and oncologist advise that surgery and chemo are not suitable for my case as I'm HER2-, ER+ & PR+ So oncologist gave me the Zoladex injection monthly and Letrozole tablet daily. He said that it…
Metastatic breast cancer and fear of cancer progression
Feeling anxious and frightened about breast cancer spreading further is common for people who have metastatic breast cancer. Many people worry what will happen if their treatment needs to change or what treatment options will be available to them if their cancer spreads. We've created a video series about the fear of…
Riddle me this.
Ok, so you all know I am currently on Xolafex 2 weeks on a week off... Well, why us it I have so much energy & feel so good while im on it & feel tired when im not??? Oh I know Im weird alright
Nurse Practicioner
Morning my Lovelies, Do any of you, in the Public System, see a Nurse Practicioner instead of an Oncologist in clinic??
Blood test before regular Denosumab injection?
Asking for my dad as I just got a confusing phone call. Three phone calls in half an hour in fact. What part of dad is SLEEPING didn't this Dr get the first time. Abandoned my nap now. Question, dad is having a Denosumab injection tomorrow. Is it policy to have a blood test the day before? First she wanted to know if he's…
Inspiration-Rising above
Hi everyone, this is my very first attempt of writing a post. I have read a lot of inspiring stories from a lot of inspirational women and thought I would try to share my story. I am on that crazy Breast Cancer Journey. It started back on the 16th December 2011, just over a week till Christmas, when I got the dreaded news…
Morning Girls :) Any of you willing to share your experience with Xeloda?? Cate
Fired by my doctor
I am in shock. I have been seeing my med onc regularly since my recurrence 16 months ago. I had a very unexpected (aren't they all) recurrence nearly 5 years after mastectomy/ node sampling and Tamoxifen for stage 1 ER+ cancer. Extensive bone mets causing several fractures in my lumbar spine and ribs, and some lung and…
Test results yest - Head spinning not sure what to think........could it be possible!
Hi ladies, On Thursday I fronted for an ultrasound of my liver, with the diagnosis after 7 months that my her 2 positive bc had spread via my blood to my liver and I was told the devastating news I had 12 large tumors inoperable on my liver. Most of you will know I was reluctant to have chemo to say the least but relented…
Advice on premeds before Herceptin infusion tomorrow for bad sinus pain please?
Good Afternoon Ladies, Tomorrow is my infusion day and I am suffering from severe sinus pain with the herceptin. This will be my 5 th infusion and after the last infusion I suffered from sinus relentlessly non stop. I don't like to mention it again to my onc because as it is not a usual side effect but one that does occur…
Have a laugh...
OK Girls, so you know I have started on Xeloda to try & tame those pesky TM's that dont seem to want to behave right at the moment?? Well......... I have what I think is a side effect............ are you.... this is going to make you laugh so hard!!! OK.. so instead of developing a hot flush which is how it feels at the…