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Test results yest - Head spinning not sure what to think........could it be possible!

Sam09 Member Posts: 149
Hi ladies,
              On Thursday I fronted for an ultrasound of my liver, with the diagnosis after 7 months that my her 2 positive bc had spread via my blood to my liver and I was told the devastating news I had 12 large tumors inoperable on my liver. Most of you will know I was reluctant to have chemo to say the least but relented to one time only and stopped at that but suddenly 10 days ago I started to  feel wonderful, strangely enough I normally feel under the weather cannot sleep just feel blah but not this time last week I started to feel good and could even incorporate my hill runs again with weight sessions on the same day something I have never ever been able to do again since first being diagnosed last April, the extreme tiredness and weakness of cancer got to me as it does. However, I seem to feel normal again which is great but weird. I know I am probably the most trying of patients my adorable oncologist has, she has been most patient with me even when I denied treatment after first being diagnosed and yes she was right. I fronted up back in December with it spread to stage four. Yet regret never crossed my mind . She had gently informed me the last 2 women who had my cancer who declined treatment passed away after a few months. But it didnt change my mind I was determined when I told her I would try to beat it naturally but it didnt work at that time it spread.... and I suppose she knew it would with my aggressive cancer. I did have a lumpectomy. But no lymph node removal. I declined it, and opted for a ultrasound of the lymphs.

So back to the ultrasound, I lay there and watched the sonographer look at my liver and look at the previous tests and tumors again and again  (secretly praying they had shrunk ) before lising to her say to me I cant see anything on your liver  except one small fluid fill cyst in a different area to where your  tumors were.. My heart jumped!! and I asked her to look again and so she did for 20 minutes, yeilding the same results, so I was not sure what to think except IMPOSSIBLE could they be hiding or could they not be detectable on a ultrasound perhaps, I certainly did not want to feel elation and still don't just in case!  So my GP then rang and asked to see me and he explained he had never seen anything like it, but wants me to go for a contrast scan next week to confirm it.. We shared a great deal of laughs over the horrible juices I drink daily and things I take that he has always smiled at after I have asked if its ok to have them. But I have religously followed this regime daily and I hope its been worth it. I  just  hope.........I know I may be grasping at straws. Because it does seem impossible.

I am confused totally. on the 12th of December 2016 my world came crushing down way more than in the april and I try not to get to excited because I was literally given a period of time to get my affairs in order  and I felt lousy. My tumor markers soared and I felt I went from a super fit person  to a little old lady. Can I let myself  have hope or should I try not to think about it until the scan on wednesday? I have told a couple of people who told me it isn't possible that the cancer is probably hiding or in another place.   But the little inklings of excitement of a possiblity are making my heart sing, just a little. The dark thoughts have gone a bit and because I feel so great I want to believe it could be possible, my oncologist told me she did have one person that had my cancer and had that happen. My GP is optimistic which is wonderful,however I am not sure how to feel really but until late next week I think my head will spin. So I will take advantage of feeling well for once and do some things I love like garden which I havent done for nearly a year..Yay      Thank you for reading my huge novel ladies. I just had to share my experience and wonder if any one else has had this happen to them. Hugz to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    HI @Sam09, wow is all I can say.... I will be praying for you as you await the other results and go for it girl enjoy having energy and being able to garden etc. 
    hugs and energy 
    Alice aka Soldier Crab
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Sending you a virtual hug xx
  • Sam09
    Sam09 Member Posts: 149
    You guys are so awesome thank you!!!! :)
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Oh Sam, I can feel your excitement and renewed energy in your post
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    I so hope you get the results you want
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Sorry, my iPhone is posting one line at a time!!

    We must believe the impossible is possible. Sending a hug, Jane xx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    That is fantastic Sam! Woo hoo! Excellent. 
    Take care xx :)
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    Well done
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Awesome news :D 
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Wonderful news Sam! xx
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey Sam, Fantastic news. Isn't it amazing what can be achieved, our bodies are amazing!! Xx Cath
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Sounds like you are doing something right. Keep up the good work.
  • Michelle_W
    Michelle_W Member Posts: 54
    Hi Sam,

    Great news, keep doing whatever you are doing.  :) It is absolutely amazing what our bodies can do!

    Michelle Xxx
  • Share
    Share Member Posts: 217
    Hi Sam, 

    That's such great news, considering that you were preparing and expecting the "worst". 

    So hard to get excited about a meal when you are limited to what you can put in your mouth (and not think you are putting nutritious food into your body). 

    Best wishes to you - Sheryl xx