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Metastatic breast cancer and fear of cancer progression

Cosette Member Posts: 612
edited March 2017 in Metastatic breast cancer
Feeling anxious and frightened about breast cancer spreading further is common for people who have metastatic breast cancer. Many people worry what will happen if their treatment needs to change or what treatment options will be available to them if their cancer spreads. 

We've created a video series about the fear of cancer progression. While fear of cancer progressing may never fade, there are ways to manage it. 

To see the videos, click here: https://www.bcna.org.au/metastatic-breast-cancer/fear-of-cancer-progression/

And then come back and talk to us. What is it like for you? How do you cope? Are these kinds of videos helpful. We want to hear from you.

We acknowledge that this topic and these videos can be very confronting and triggering. So, I also want to remind our members living with metastatic breast cancer that BCNA provides free and confidential, professional, one-on-one counselling support to women and men living with metastatic breast cancer, and their families. To learn more and book an appointment, click here.


  • Southgirl
    Southgirl Member Posts: 80
    I have also just watched the videos, and I agree - they are excellent.  Both Gillian and Fran are so calm and logical.  Gillian had such good advice about living in the moment, and the need to develop strategies to do that.  Fran obviously has so much wisdom and experience treating MBC, and is very reassuring in the videos.  I liked her analogy about different treatments being stepping stones along a path - also dealing with the scan anxiety.  I found the videos very empowering and helpful.  I live in a regional area of NSW, and I have never met anyone else with Metastatic Breast Cancer since my diagnosis six months ago.  I do have a wonderful Breast Care Nurse, who gives me great support, but I am so grateful to BCNA and this forum for all the information and the opportunity to connect with other people in the same boat!
  • Pamelamary
    Pamelamary Member Posts: 240
    Fran Boyle is always such good value! Bravo Gillian - brave and honest, pinpointing some useful "survival" tactics. Given she speaks of the importance of peer support, remember Breacan - offering real time connection with women in a similar situation.
  • Anne94
    Anne94 Member Posts: 164
    I just watched the videos. These are really very reassuring for the newly diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. 
    I was diagnosed stage IV straight up, and I found it difficult to find other women who were like me. To gather information about how they have managed etc. 
    Every resource helps. 
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 455

    A wonderful resource  thankyou bcna