dx'd with innumerable liver mets this month.
Anyone else with extensive, innumerable liver mets? How has your journey gone? Warmly, Polly
I've heard of accessing super early to help with medical treatment per se. Has anyone accessed it for other reasons - i.e. to support living costs/school fees in lieu of not working? I am currently writing.....! Thanks, Elaine
I am wondering if anyone else has terrible itching on herceptin and perjeta infusions. I am on my 10th 3 weekly treatment and what started out a slight itch around my neck shoulders and arms has progressed to a burning itch that feels like ants are biting me. It is manageable during the day with cold wheatpacks however…
Herceptin and stomach pain
anyone else have stomach cramps on herceptin? Its like it throws my whole bowels into mayhem and I get spasms and cramping which takes my breath away. Heatpack and targin and panadol seem to work best, and I have to keep my movicol dosage up as otherwise I end up in hospital again with an impacted bowel. so share your…
Liver biopsy
May 29 my oncologist told us i have a 5cm tumor in my liver and numerous small ones after a week of ultra sounds, bone scans and ct scans, should have been or i was hoping my 5 year clearance. Tomorrow i will have a liver biopsy to see if the cancer has changed in any way, must addmit i'm not looking forward to it and…
Triple negative metastatic breast cancer in brain
Hi all My Mum is currently living with mTNBC which is in her bones and late last year moved to her brain. She has had one treatment of whole brain radiation therapy and continues to be treated with chemotherapy also for the rest of her body. Is anyone familiar with any trials or new treatment options available to women in…
Mom's Second Diagnosis of Stage 4 Breast Cancer
Over the past week, my mom and I have been running around frantically catching all the necessary appointments to get the set game plan of how we are going to treat this cancer. For a bit of a back story on my mom; She is 46 years old, has been living with Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome for the past 9 years of her life and…
what to do??
Morning Girls, I am have one of 'those' days. SO close to tears & a complete meltdown. I have a rash all over my arms that is bright red & hot to touch & the Oncologist tells me its hand & foot syndrome from Xeloda just not on my hands & feet. Why do they not listen when you talk??? I have had this rash since before…
Olivia Newton John now has metastatic cancer
Just read this on facebook and i've got to say i'm very saddened by this news how dare cancer come back after so so many years.For Immediate Release OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN POSTPONES JUNE CONCERT DATES May 30, 2017 - Las Vegas, NV — Olivia Newton-John is reluctantly postponing her June U.S. and Canadian concert tour dates. The…
Celebrating 10 Years Living with Cancer
Today I had my monthly Onoclogy. Its a signifcant day as its my 10 year anniversary of living with cancer. Hereunder is the cornerstone of my medical team; Dr. Mitchell Chipman, Victorian Breast & Oncology Care, East Melbourne, Janine Mount, Senior Oncologist Nurse, St. Vincents Hospital, East Melbourne and Dr. Claire…
Well, it's like this
ok, it's gone from what the to.....it's like this. My bone scan was yesterday.... The injection, a primary scan, then come back in 4 hours. Back track a few days... Monday, my Mother in law fell and broke her hip. Lying in the rain, she called the ambulance and the neighbours. The neighbours provided blankets and an…
Cancer in Abdomen
Hey everyone Has anyone had cancer appear in their abdomen as secondary? I'm told this is rare to happen from breast cancer but that's where my mum's has returned.. What treatments have people had? Her tumour is apparently small originating in the abdominal wall muscle and it grabbed on and squashed a small part of the…
Pink Triathlon
So, my rock aka Jon aka my hubby decided to help me in my Prink Triathlon efforts & got me a bicycle & helmet for my birthday... let the training begin.... I didnt fall off & I changed gears
Personalised Medicine Genome Sequencing
Hi Everyone My mum battled breast cancer 7 years ago. She has just been diagnosed in her abdomen. Apparently it's very rare to travel there, but nonetheless this is where we are today. I've read a lot about personalised medicine and genome sequencing to determine the beat treatment options for the individual patient and…
Happy Dance....
So, tumor markers down to 94 from 126 3 weeks ago. I am kicking arse coz I am Xena - Warrior Princess & Elite Athlete extrordinaire.... ha ha ha ha