I am Xena!!
Mothers Day Classic, so much fun, such a great atmosphere. Thats me on the left..
I was diagnosed December 2016 with stage 3+ breast Cancer , ( some of you may remember I discovered my 50 mm due to heat in breast ) Tumour removed plus 16 nodes , now just a few more weekly chemotherapy to go prior to radiation... However for weeks have been experiencing pain in the same breast , which they prescribed…
Is anyone taking Anastrazole and Fulvestrant?
Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed with de novo metastatic breast cancer in February this year. A 3.1cm lump in the breast and a 2.5cm liver lesion with 2 other small mets to the liver. I started on Anastrazole in February and had an ultrasound last week which showed the liver met down to 6 mm and the breast lump almost half the…
Well I was feeling brave the other day and asked my oncologist if I could have a break from I.V chemo so my husband and I could get away for a short holiday. The answer was yes of course. So after I have recovered from yesterday's chemo we plan to go away for a break up the coast of NSW . I cant wait . Just to get off the…
Finding a new kind of normal
First diagnosed in 2011, 35 years of age and 32 weeks pregnant. Right sided mastectomy, level 2 clearance 3/26 nodes. Chemo 6 months, radio plus Tamoxifen. Switched to Zolodex and Aromasin 2016. Original tumour was 3cm ER+ PR+ HER2- Stage 2B, Grade 3. Four weeks ago after having an abdominal ultrasound for gallstones mets…
Afinitor with increase in liver mets size.
My sister was initially diagnosed in 2011 with stage 3 ER+PR+ HER2 negative breast cancer with 4 nodes involved. TAC chemo shrunk the tumour then lumpectomy and rads. Oncologist started her on Tamoxifen then changed to Arimidex because said Tamoxifen would not work as good once she reached menopause. Then bad side effects…
What an amazing network. Huge thanks ♥️♥️♥️
Hi Everyone, after some tumultuous days dealing with bony mets diagnosis, hospital rads, MRI and CT scans,mI have survived this one by the skin of my teeth. My lovely rads oncologist had a meeting with my hubby and I last night. He advise that the rads this week will kill and sterilise my bones, and it won't require…
Happy Dance
Ok so, update after 3 cycles of Xeloda, tumor markers have dropped from 295 to 126.... yay!!! Oncologist is happy with me, said all other blood results normal.
Back pain
Hi everyone. I have been doing really well recently. My lower back bone mets are stable so no need for chemo. So I've been enjoying life and walking for exercise. Felt really fit & happy. Then on Friday I went to an exercise group specifically for women with cancer. I was really enjoying the workout. Then I bent done to…
Good news day !
I saw my oncologist today after having a bone scan last week, and that beautiful word STABLE bone scan was the good news I heard. She said there looks like there is a crack in one of my ribs which is probably due to having a chest infection, and coughing for the past 3 weeks. Also the ribs are very thin bones but she…
Sorry what did you say Doctor- please say again!
Those of you who have followed my posts will know I am anti drugs and yes in my circumstances this makes life a little difficult as I need them to live. Yesterday in a jovial mood due to my recent test results I saw my doctor before the infusion. Somehow the conversation turned to me saying when I stop treatment and then…
What next
I was on Fulvestrant for 12 months before bone mets flared up, so was switched to Letrozole almost 3 months ago. Waiting for my next PET on 19 April to see if the Letrozole is working. I am having a bit of bone pain, so I am not sure that it is. Just wondering what is likely to be my next treatment if the Letrozole doesn't…
Stabilising surgery
Hi, I'm just wondering if any of you lovely ladies that have bony mets( in particular hip/femur) have had surgery to stabilise? I have an ortho appointment tomorrow and that's what we will be discussing. Kind regards anne
Havent been here for a while but feel the need for a chat!
Hi all, Since my original diagnosis in April 2013 I have had lots happening. Right mastectomy, axillary clearance and of course chemo and radiation treatments and then bone mets. I have been going well and had, until recently been on Arimidex and then Capecitabine. As my tumor markers have just started to trend up…
It's a so and so
http://www.theage.com.au/national/health/so-what-if-my-results-say-im-doing-better-im-still-dying--just-not-right-now-20170323-gv4hfk.html Came across this article today..................