Bone Pain
Just wondering what pain relief people use for bone pain. I have a met in my scapula on my right side which is also my mastectomy side and the same side as some lymph tumours that have recently received rads. Its starting to give me a fair bit of pain but I don't want strong S4 or S8 pain killers.
Eribulin chemo
Hi everyone! Just asking if anyone is on Eribulin chemo and if so how are you tolerating it? I have been on Abraxane since September with tumour markers reducing nicely down to 30 (they were at 67 when we started Abraxane), the markers started to rise & hit 49. CT was mixed results, some remission, some tumours had shrunk…
New at Immunotheraphy
Dear fellow group members. I'm new to this group although my TNBC became mTNBC many months ago! In that time I've been caring for my mum and just trying to keep on putting 1 foot in front of the other!!! After trying various chemo treatments and even being on a trial drug CDX-011 & Xeloda, nothing has been able to stop the…
Hello my lovelies, its been quite a while since I have bored you with medal obsession so today is the day, I am sorry to say, I do it again. Competed in the 5.7km event at The Gold Coast Airport Marathon on July 1st aka GCAM17. Happy to say I ran the entire way & completed it in 43.19 minutes. Not only was I VERY happy to…
Those ladies who know my posts know I was diagnosed with BC April 16 and then again with Liver mets in December. What a roller coaster that we ladies then board. Along the way I have tried to be super positive and mostly I have been. I have lisined to my wonderful Oncologist and many times been told "now its just not…
I was asked "Would you turn back the clock 12 months and not have Cancer"?????
What a year the past 12 months have been for me and nothing summed it up like this question I was asked yesterday. I did not even have to think about the answer..... with a diagnosis first of stage one breast cancer to a few months later stage four would I ????? A question many think about us all with cancer ... would we…
Bony Mets = Hip Replacements x 2
Dear lovely ladies Amazing how all can seem to go 'swimmingly well' for a while - once we are in that so-called stable phase. In Jan I decided to sell our house and buy a new stunning 3 level townhouse (great for a 10 and 12 yr old) and a fresh start as a single mum, even though ex-husband has some equity in new place at…
Xgeva and tooth extractions
Hi Ladies has anyone had to have a tooth re.moved while on xgeva ? I may need to have a wisdom tooth out and wondered about onj or any other problems fellow xgeva girls have had during dental procedures. thanks ladies
Is breast cancer contagious?
Recently I have had three friend diagnosed with breast cancer in a short period of time. I know its not contagious but there definitely seems to be alot more of it about. I wish my friennds and every one going through this horrible disease all the very best. I am having a week off chemo and enjoying every day. My husband…
Test anxiety
Hi ladies, I had a CT & bone scan last week. My oncologist usually sends me an SMS if everything is ok (ie that the mets are stable). Not so this time. So my imagination has gone into overdrive. I am thinking the worst. I meet with him tomorrow morning. Very anxious. I hate waiting for test results! Ange
Thank you!!
Hi Ladies, Just wanted to say thank you, thank you thank you for the lovely comments, living in a small seaside community your words make me feel a little bit closer to you all. To wendyh, yes I am still on the xeloda its 16 months now, I know that abraxane will be there for me later on down the track,so you will be able…
4 year anniversary - Im still here!!
Hi Ladies, as the title suggests its now been 4 years since THAT DAY, you know the one!, when you are sitting down{Which is just as well} as the news you are about to receive will knock your socks off, you have METASTATIC BREAST CANCER, you need to see an Oncologist and the stats are 7 years, just like that! no niceities…
Need some support...
Hi all, This is my first message here. I have been resisting, but here I am. So I'm 37 years old. I was first diagnosed with brca in 2009 when I was 29. Did chemo, double mastectomy and hormone therapy. All good, then in 2013 had a small recurrence in the breast. Some radiotherapy and hormone therapy again. All good again,…
New to posting online...bit about me & Living with liver metastases
Hi Ladies, Im learning my way around the new site and haven't been one for posting much on here but here goes. Bit about me part brief as I can. Stage 3 bc ER+ PR+ HER2+ 8 nodes positive in 2002 age 28yrs, mastectomy, rads, AC chemo & Taxotere chemo. Tamoxifen / Zoladex. October 2005 break in treatment to conceive, after a…
Happy Dance
Timor markers have dropped again, from 94 5 weeks ago to 71.....yay