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Bony Mets = Hip Replacements x 2

Dragonfly Posts: 60

Dear lovely ladies
Amazing how all can seem to go 'swimmingly well' for a while - once we are in that so-called stable phase.
In Jan I decided to sell our house and buy a new stunning 3 level townhouse (great for a 10 and 12 yr old) and a fresh start as a single mum, even though ex-husband has some equity in new place at least it all works - well for now. Doing a financial settlement and will is an interesting exercise, not!
Then on a whim in March (and after tumour markers rose), I had an opportunity to go to Whistler - all the way from Sydney - which I did!
Then preparing for the big move in late April....
School holidays underway and niggling back pain - making me think what move or position from pilates or yoga had caused it; then physio for 2 consecutive days, valium from local Dr, and immediate suggestion of hospital....
5 and a half weeks later - incredible:
back pain was attributed to fractured pelvis, hence the hip replacement; then there was talk about radiation to the other hip and possible hip replacement later.....and brain kicked in at the 3 day mark post-surgery - painful yes and lots of rehab needed but NO WAY was I going to get better from first surgery and do it all again, so hip replacement no.1 (May 1 - daughter's birthday - she turned 10 but we had surprise party day before in hospital - all seems a bit surreal now!), and then my b'day May 8 (in hosp) and hip replacement no.2 on May 15.
Looking back - quite a lot happened but its strange when you come out of hospital after being in there so long. And I was scheduled for bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction next Tues.
But MDTM (multi-disciplinary team meeting) last Wed has resulted in surgery being postponed til Sept (3 months) because I did have a mild infection in first scar (in hosp) and also a DVT - enough to send surgeons (that didn't know me running in opposite direction....!)
But strange when I look back - Dx de novo in Feb last year - still wish I'd had breasts off then, like ovaries. But c'est la vie. Been responding to Ibrance, X geva and Letrozole relatively well since June 2016 (good until Feb this yr when tumour markers started rising).
So prognosis now is radiation next week as a "chaser" to hips to mop up remaining cancer cells, resume Ibrance for 2 mths then go off again whilst I have bilateral masectomy & reconstruction in Sept.
On that note I'd also be keen to share stories with any of you who have had mastectomy PLUS reconstruction (same op)?
I'm now 53, and as I said to oncologist, I don't know what the future holds, but I'd like to think I may re-partner (single for last 7 yrs), and even if I don't femininity is important to my overall sense of identity. If that means I live one year less, then so be it - but I don't think they (or me) can really calculate that "what if"......
Would LOVE to hear from anyone who has had hip replacement or bilateral mastectomy/reconstruction.
best wishes, Elaine xxx (Sydney)
PS - Karen - I LOVED reading your 10 yr post - it gives us all hope!! as it does with similar ladies in Sydney (albeit not many)
PPS I still intend to organise and hold the inaugural flashmob dance in SYD in MBC day this year on Fri October 13th. If you're SYD based - please let me know!! We have Qantas behind us and also Fitness First, and hopefully BCNA!
Amazing how all can seem to go 'swimmingly well' for a while - once we are in that so-called stable phase.
In Jan I decided to sell our house and buy a new stunning 3 level townhouse (great for a 10 and 12 yr old) and a fresh start as a single mum, even though ex-husband has some equity in new place at least it all works - well for now. Doing a financial settlement and will is an interesting exercise, not!
Then on a whim in March (and after tumour markers rose), I had an opportunity to go to Whistler - all the way from Sydney - which I did!
Then preparing for the big move in late April....
School holidays underway and niggling back pain - making me think what move or position from pilates or yoga had caused it; then physio for 2 consecutive days, valium from local Dr, and immediate suggestion of hospital....
5 and a half weeks later - incredible:
back pain was attributed to fractured pelvis, hence the hip replacement; then there was talk about radiation to the other hip and possible hip replacement later.....and brain kicked in at the 3 day mark post-surgery - painful yes and lots of rehab needed but NO WAY was I going to get better from first surgery and do it all again, so hip replacement no.1 (May 1 - daughter's birthday - she turned 10 but we had surprise party day before in hospital - all seems a bit surreal now!), and then my b'day May 8 (in hosp) and hip replacement no.2 on May 15.
Looking back - quite a lot happened but its strange when you come out of hospital after being in there so long. And I was scheduled for bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction next Tues.
But MDTM (multi-disciplinary team meeting) last Wed has resulted in surgery being postponed til Sept (3 months) because I did have a mild infection in first scar (in hosp) and also a DVT - enough to send surgeons (that didn't know me running in opposite direction....!)
But strange when I look back - Dx de novo in Feb last year - still wish I'd had breasts off then, like ovaries. But c'est la vie. Been responding to Ibrance, X geva and Letrozole relatively well since June 2016 (good until Feb this yr when tumour markers started rising).
So prognosis now is radiation next week as a "chaser" to hips to mop up remaining cancer cells, resume Ibrance for 2 mths then go off again whilst I have bilateral masectomy & reconstruction in Sept.
On that note I'd also be keen to share stories with any of you who have had mastectomy PLUS reconstruction (same op)?
I'm now 53, and as I said to oncologist, I don't know what the future holds, but I'd like to think I may re-partner (single for last 7 yrs), and even if I don't femininity is important to my overall sense of identity. If that means I live one year less, then so be it - but I don't think they (or me) can really calculate that "what if"......
Would LOVE to hear from anyone who has had hip replacement or bilateral mastectomy/reconstruction.
best wishes, Elaine xxx (Sydney)
PS - Karen - I LOVED reading your 10 yr post - it gives us all hope!! as it does with similar ladies in Sydney (albeit not many)
PPS I still intend to organise and hold the inaugural flashmob dance in SYD in MBC day this year on Fri October 13th. If you're SYD based - please let me know!! We have Qantas behind us and also Fitness First, and hopefully BCNA!
Wow, Elaine. There's busy and there's frantic; it sounds like you've gone through the mincer--you are one resilient woman!
I had a double mastectomy with immediate tissue expanders, but it was a long time ago and it seems post op care has come a long way since then. Getting everything done as quickly as possible is an attractive option if you are physically up to it. We all just want this stuff out of the way.
Good luck, I'm sure some of the other ladies will be able to give you more up to date advice than I can. Marg xx
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I had bilateral mastectomy and tissue expanders almost fully inflated with a matrix sling. Recovery was about 6 weeks...felt really uncomfortable intially like a bra sewn inside but suddenly it was just okay. That saw me through chemo. One expansion then changeover which was simple. I believe straight to implant would be similar. Tight. Most of my issues was related to node removal. I think compared to a hip replacement it would be a doddle. Best if luck. If you join the breast reconstruction group there are many photo stories and mine is in there. Kath x.1
Wow Elaine, you have been through so much and still doing amazing things. The flash mob sounds terrific. Can't wait to see it. My bilateral recon TRAM story is in the photo stories of choosing breast recon group.
Paula x1 -
Gosh Elaine, One hip replacement by itself is absolutely huge let alone a second, moving house, trips away etc etc. Have you thought of changing your name to Lois Elaine? Hoping for you that the second half of your year slows down a bit for you - or at least is hectic with brilliant things!!! Xx
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Oh and I had a single skin and nipple saving mastectomy with immediate recon using implant. Implant is under pec muscle with dermal sling to help hold it in place. Had a bit of tightness across chest but my main area of pain was where I had the sentinel node biopsy. I was on strong pain killers for the first three days in hospital then only on panadol every six hours. Stayed in hospital for 6 days, went home with two drains still hanging from me. First drain removed after a further 5 days, second drain refused to play "meet the correct level" and stayed for eight weeks. Was finally taken out as surgeon thought that the drain itself was causing the fluid levels with irritation. Driving after two weeks. Did all my required exercises and did get some cording (three very thin strands that would start to thicken when I didn't do my massage) but because of the exercise the cording was so flexible my lymphoedema nurse couldn't snap it and it didn't hinder my movement so I didn't worry about it. Had my one year scans last weekend and mammography technician asked which breast had had the mastectomy - so pretty pleased about that one!! Any questions that I can help with feel free to ask. Big hugs lovely. Xx Cath
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Hi Elaine
Sorry to hear that life for you has been so tough - two hip replacements on top of everything else is huge!
It quite strange that we were diagnosed at roughly the same time, single the same amount of time and two kids the same age and that we are still experiencing the same things. I sold my house in December and bought an apartment in Elwood which I moved into in April! It is on the third floor with no elevator and I am now wondering what I was thinking given that I have mets in my hip too (and they seem to be acting up at the moment - either the mets are getting worse or it is a flare from new treatment)!
I have an appointment booked with a plastic surgeon in July to find out what my reconstruction options are. I had a mastectomy early on due to progression. I want to have a reconstruction, but don't really want to go through the process as my mastectomy surgery was hard to recover from. Like you, I think that finding someone to partner with is not easy without a reconstruction - also not easy knowing that you have a reduced life expectancy.
I have started on Afinitor a month ago because they discovered that my tumours were caused by a mutation in the ATK-1 gene and Afinitor targets this mutation. Don't know how I am going on this yet - still trying to acclimatise to the side effects (serious mouth ulcers). I am taking half dose one day, and full dose the next and seem to be going OK. Although, I am wondering if my liver is coping as I have a bit of upper quadrant pain and am sooo tired! Blood tests scheduled for next week should answer this!
How are you finding the rehab for you hip replacements? You are one tough and positive lady and I hope your rehab goes well, so that you are in tip top shape for those new breasts in September!
All the best
Lisa0 -
Thank you SO VERY much.....
It's still surreal in so many ways.
I'm nearing the end of rehab and have had one week of radiotherapy (to "mop up" any left over cancer cells in the hip area).
Am still so tired and well and truly over not being able to drive!!
Elaine2 -
Wow Elaine you've been busy !
I thought I was busy with 2 operations within 5 weeks. I haven't had either yet. But I've had a femur nail inserted and a hysterectomy.
All I can say is don't overdo it post surgery & best wishes for a good recovery.
Anne xo0