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Xgeva and tooth extractions

Klea Member Posts: 84
Hi Ladies has anyone had to have a tooth re.moved while on xgeva ? I may need to have a wisdom tooth out and wondered about onj or any other problems fellow xgeva girls have had during dental procedures. thanks ladies


  • Jenv
    Jenv Member Posts: 64
    I had dental treatment whilst on xgeva but only fillings and a clean...was told not to have extractions because of possibility of onj.  If need extraction have to stop injection but not sure for how long. Check with your dentist or oncologist...probably not much help, sorry.
  • Pamelamary
    Pamelamary Member Posts: 240
    Jen is right, Klea. If the extraction is really necessary, you probably need to go off xgeva for a while - there is a small but real chance of it causing ONJ. Dentist and oncologist both need to be consulted.
    Best wishes..... Pam
  • wendy_h67
    wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
    Hi Klea, I had a problem while I was on Xegva .  One of my front crown tooth fell out so I had to have the root cut out and gum stitched.  I had only just started on Xegva and when I told my oncologist she nearlly had a fit.  She realized that I had to have the procedure but took me off Xegva for three months. That was 5 years ago and I haven't had any problems since. 
  • angg66
    angg66 Member Posts: 188
    Thanks for raising this issue. I am on Xgeva & was unaware that this might cause dental problems. Last Sunday my crown fell out & I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow afternoon. I might need the root cut out. Luckily I also have an appointment with my oncologist tomorrow morning so I will ask. @Klea I'll let you know what the oncologist tells me ... Ange
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    I had a similar problem whilst on bisphosphonates getting a tooth extracted - ended up having blood test called cross laps
  • angg66
    angg66 Member Posts: 188
    Hi @Klea.  I saw my oncologist and dentist today. As I need the root cut out the oncologist said I must come off the Xgeva. So my oncologist & dentist are going to discuss how long before I have to wait to extract the root of the tooth. So if you want a tooth extraction you need to get your oncologist and dentist to talk but you need to stop the Xgeva. Good luck.. Ange
  • Klea
    Klea Member Posts: 84
    Thanks Ange I contacted my once and she said the same thing. She will put me in touch with a dentist who is experienced with xgeva side effects too . Thank you so much for your help Klea
  • Klea
    Klea Member Posts: 84
    Thanks to all you lovely ladies for helping I am off to dentist Friday will let you all know how i go
    Thanks again Klea
  • Anne94
    Anne94 Member Posts: 171
    My oncologist wouldn't start the xgeva until I had all dental work done. It does have the risk of jaw necrosis. Let the oncologist know & the dentist. Be really particular with your dental hygiene.