Information session: Bone Mets
Breacan is hosting an information session on bone mets on Wednesday March 8, 12.30 - 2pm. Medical oncologist Yoland Anthill will be presenting and there will be opportunities for general questions. Melbourne women may want to attend in person, but the session is also available on webinar. Either way, register interest on…
Back to being Terrified
Here I am girls..... Oncologist appointment tomorrow, bloods drawn Tuesday. Tomorrow is D Day - TM Results Day - Have they increased further?? what is going on in my body??? & once again I have dropped into a heap of OMG OMG OMG how can this be happening to me again, isn't what I have already been thru enough?? I can feel…
Chest looking like it has caved after double mastectomy
hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this? for the last few days I have been feeling a "tugging" sore feeling over my mastectomy scar (double mastectomy 18 months ago, no chemo or radio). I checked the chest and I have an area beneath the scar on the chest wall that looks to have sunken. Any ideas what…
Treatment Change
Hi girls.... so tumor markers were up agin, so my treatment is to change. I start on Xeloda tomorrow. I was offered a trial which would involve retesting old cancer tissue etc etc, then all in all i mightnt even qualify for it, so i chose the chemo tablet option. I feel better knowing i am actively doing something, testing…
HER2+ Advanced BC Liver Mets
Hi, in the last month i have been diagnosed with HER2+ advanced BC liver mets. This has been a massive shock to say the least. I am 46 yrs and have had problems with my left breast for over 12 months now, with nipple discharge but negative mammogram results. So in early Jan I had an abnormal mammogram, 1 week later a…
so..... now the wait begins, blood taken this morning to test tumour markers..... roll on Friday!!!
Hello Girls :) How are we all????? Today I am Xena - Warrior Princess!!!! Thanks for being there last week when I needed you Guys :) Cate
SOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!!!!
OK so, Saturday I went to Bendigo & completed the Grapest 5km. It was sooooooooo hot, the track was horrid, dusty, up & down hilly, uneven, pot holey & did I mention HOT??? But, I did it & in 38.19, which is way better than I anticipated given the conditions.... Now I have 3 medals :)
Have my next Onc visit tomorrow week, so nervous, I know my tm's were up last test & I am terrified to find out the next reading.. PLUS, I have to go alone.. Talk about sleepless nights & teary meltdowns!!.... Wish I knew what I did in a previous life to deserve the hand I have been dealt in this one........
Cannibas OIL
which states in Australia are using it legally ? who knows where can you get it from I have someone asking for information and I have no idea ?
Tumor marker expectations with fourth infusion of Herceptin and Perjeta
Hi loveliest of ladies :) I am about to front up again for my fourth infusion of herceptin and perjeta. I was diagnosed with stage 2 bc in April 16 and then mets to liver in December 16 . I find tumor markers interesting as when first diagnosed my tumor markers were 30 borderline and then went down to 18 after surgery…
Afternoon Girls, Anyone on Xgeva?? can you tell me if you are having injections monthly or otherwise??? I was having them every 4 weeks since April 2016 now out of the blue they have changed it to 6 weekly. Another 'thing' making me nervous along with the tm's.
Hormone Therapy
Hi Everyone I am feeling very grateful today ,I have been on Femara and 4 weekly infusions of Zometa for 12 months now and the results for the scans were good, at 6months they worse. January 2016 I was diagnosed with er+pr+her- metastatic breast cancer with mets in my bones. I had the primary back in 2002 , found early…
Hello Girls :) I am in a much better frame of mind today, I apologise profusely for my display of "woe is me" attitude. I cannot promise it wont happen again BUT one can but try to control themselves & I will, try that is :) OK............ so as usual I am running 5km at parkrun this week on Saturday morning but then, I am…
Perjeta itch
Hi guys. I've been on 3 weekly Perjeta and Herceptin for about 9 months now and have started suffering from nasty itching. While it is localised to my forearms mainly, it seems to be getting worse with each treatment (which will be ongoing for as long as it works!) Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this side…