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Hormone Therapy

maggie14 Member Posts: 22
edited February 2017 in Metastatic breast cancer
Hi Everyone  I am feeling very grateful today ,I have been on Femara and 4 weekly  infusions of Zometa for 12 months now and the results for the scans were good, at 6months they worse. January 2016 I was diagnosed with er+pr+her-  metastatic breast cancer with mets in my bones.
I had the primary back in 2002 , found early ,had lumpectomy and rads , I thought i was ok but as was said to me only thing worse than having bc is having it and not knowing.
To get the mets stable will be so good, not to bad on the side effects from the drugs so lucky.


  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @maggie14, That is fantastic news!! Congratulations. Wishing you long term stability and an exceptionally happy future!! Xx Cath
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Great news 
  • maggie14
    maggie14 Member Posts: 22
    Thanks socoda and primeka  but all I did was take my medication and my doctors advice. It was a long time getting there. After the primary in 2002, pain started in 06, had scan ,nothing found told sciatica, in March 2014 so much pain to walk by the end of day ,gp put on anti-inflammatory drugs then in late 2015 lump came up on back of head 3 weeks to see surgeon it was christmas so after out it came ,yes it was bc.
    Now I am more proactive and I try not to beat myself up too much about being more insistent earlier
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey @Maggie14, I reckon take any win that you can with this disease and take all the accolades that you can that go along with it!!! And then Celebrate your socks off!!! Xx

  • maggie14
    maggie14 Member Posts: 22
    Ooo I will sododa   I'm going to make the most of everyday
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    We can't change our past. But you did take the medication and follow what was recomnended. All we can do is educate ourselves and ask questions and hope our health professionals are doing the best for us. Kath x
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Maggie that is wonderful news!!! Hugs Melinda xo
  • Share
    Share Member Posts: 217

    Hi @maggie14 - good news that your bone mets are stable. That's just about the most we can ask for and for those analgesics to relieve the pain and the recommended hormone treatment to do it's job !

    Your story is so similar to mine - initial bc in 2003 and then bony mets diagnosis only after months of physio (you have sciatica) etc etc. This was all from my GP, breast surgeon (annual check up when I have my mammogram) - all said the same thing.

    It can be so frustrating, annoying and I know I placed a lot of blame on myself for not being such a strong advocate of my own health and pushing for bone scans earlier.

    Never mind - don't look back - look forward and onwards and upwards.

    Best wishes to your ongoing good health.

    Sheryl xx  

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    My dad was the same after beating prostate cancer years ago he had bone pain which the drs treated as osteo troubles before the penny finally dropped that it was bone cancer. At least now he has plenty of dr's attention and wants for nothing in physio, pain relief, chemo and all manner of specialists. Incidentally when I had bc I had chemo of Cyclophosphamide and Docetaxel and dad is having the same Docetaxel in 3/4 dose due to his elderly status. There was something published a while ago hinting that some breast cancers and prostate cancers may be linked. Here's to you and my dad getting stable results for as long as possible. <3
  • RNSW
    RNSW Member Posts: 121
    Good to hear everything is going well xo
  • Vix
    Vix Member Posts: 51
    Great to read everything is going well
  • maggie14
    maggie14 Member Posts: 22

    Thanks  everyone , I just wanted to tell my story to remind those with early diagnoses, I was early diagnoses ,clear margins and lymph nodes were clear ,its just such a sneaky disease
  • Southgirl
    Southgirl Member Posts: 80
    Hi @maggie14 - I agree, people need to be reminded that Breast Cancer can sneak back into their lives at any time.  My story is similar - I had a primary diagnosis in 2005.  I had a mastectomy, clear lymph nodes, ovary removal, and 5 years on Arimidex.  All my annual check-ups since then had been fine, but in September 2016 I noticed a lump above my collarbone.  A biopsy showed that it was er+pr+her- metastatic breast cancer, then scans revealed bone metastases.  Like you, I am now taking Femara, and my scans last week (after four months on Femara) showed the metastases to be stable, or a little improved.  Good news, but I am mindful that Metastatic Breast Cancer can only be "managed" not cured.   
  • Southgirl
    Southgirl Member Posts: 80
    Hi @Share - sounds like your initial diagnosis was a long time before your metastatic diagnosis too.  It's so hard to come to terms with - I just feel like the whole five year survival thing is a bit of a false sense of security.  Sending you best wishes - let's all look forward!!
  • PaulaN
    PaulaN Member Posts: 237
    Great to hear. I know what you me an about some doctors being a bit blaze about new symptoms. I had a lumpectomy & rads on my left breast April 2016. Iv just had my first checkup, mammogram etc & found out from a plastic surgeon I recently saw that the specialist is watching a node in my right breast & hasn't told me. Iv now got pain on my bra line under my boob but in the bone, I wont be mucking around the the breast surgeon, my GP does a better job
