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Treatment Change

Cate64 Member Posts: 446
edited February 2017 in Metastatic breast cancer
Hi girls.... so tumor markers were up agin, so my treatment is to change. I start on Xeloda tomorrow.

I was offered a trial which would involve retesting old cancer tissue etc etc, then all in all i mightnt even qualify for it, so i chose the chemo tablet option.

I feel better knowing i am actively doing something, testing & waiting for potential acceptance into a trial doesnt sit well with me at all.

Thanks to all of you for being so patient with muy tantrums over the last month..



  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    hi @Cate64
    So now you have a new treatment and a new way forward. 

    I honestly believe you are doing the best you can in the circumstances of where you are at presently. 
    I am sending you energy to deal with this change and to be able to deal with the choices you make. 


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Cate you sound a little more settled after today's appointment.  Chemo tablet sounds like a good option and as you said waiting to see if you qualify for a trial probably wouldn't do your nerves much good at this stage, waiting, waiting!! 
    Take care, sending you a virtual hug  xx

  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    Sending you a hug I don't know what you are  talking about,tantrums are allowed
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Cate! Thanks for letting us know how you went! At least you know exactly what is happening, so hang in there step at a time, you really are doing an incredible job inspite of the challenges that pop up! I like the idea too of the tablet as you said! Sending the biggest HUG I can to you. I agree with Rowdy!!!! Tantrums bring it on!!! I think we all have earned the right to, don't you?? xo