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Celebrating 10 Years Living with Cancer

Karen_C Member Posts: 93
edited November 2016 in Metastatic breast cancer
Today I had my monthly Onoclogy.  Its a signifcant day as its my 10 year anniversary of living with cancer. Hereunder is the cornerstone of my medical team; Dr. Mitchell Chipman, Victorian Breast & Oncology Care, East Melbourne, Janine Mount, Senior Oncologist Nurse, St. Vincents Hospital, East Melbourne and Dr. Claire Phillips, Neuro-oncology Radiology, Peter Mac. Because of them I still have a good quality of life. I always have hope and thus far my medical team has delivered the technology that I need to keep golng well. Raise my glass to my team. My life is literally indebted to you. 


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Well done you and your team. Hoping  for many many more years of you feeling well.
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Congratulations, that's awesome!! Wishing you many more anniversaries just like this one. Xxxx
  • LITHGOW1950
    LITHGOW1950 Member Posts: 314
    Always so good to read such a happy story.  Well done.  We have to be so thankful for such brilliant Specialists we have here in Australia. Xox ox 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Well done,  here's to the 20th anniversary.
  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    Congratulations Karen.  Our teams become like second family.  Here's to them all, and to the next 10 years for you! xx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Wonderful news, thanks for sharing!
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    What a wonderful milestone Karen, congratulations!!   Yes, we are certainly blessed to be living in these times and in this country.   Jane x
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Fantastic news!!!! just beautiful! Melinda xo
  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    Fantabulous news! We certainly are very lucky to have the best medical and resources at our fingertips....Congratulations! Karen What an amazing woman you are! Xx

  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    Thank you for sharing this with us Karen. Glasses are raised to you and your team xx
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    Just wanted to congratulate and thank you Karen for sharing your story. I was devastated last year when I was diagnosed and thought the worst even though I had early breast cancer. It's from stories like yours that I now know there is hope if I should ever get secondary cancer in the future. I wish you all the very best for your future!
  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    Congrats @Karen Cowley! And it's also so nice to hear when people have good experiences with their medical team and feel taken care of.
  • ElaineG
    ElaineG Dragonfly Posts: 60
    Wow Karen - what fantastic news to share.  I LOVE reading double digit stories like yours - inspires us to realise that it is POSSIBLE.  Congratulations and wishing you all the best for the next decade!
  • Patou
    Patou Member Posts: 2
    Thanks Karen for sharing such wonderful news. You are an inspiration, we are the luckiest people as we live in the best country ever. Congratulation to your medical team and wishing you all the best. Cheers
  • Pink66
    Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
    Sending huge turtle hugs to you and your beautiful team. I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating such a significant milestone.

    I send to you the hope of many many more years to come as it is a great reason to raise a glass or two.

    All my love Sharon (Pink66)