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Nurse Practicioner

Cate64 Member Posts: 446
Morning my Lovelies,

Do any of you, in the Public System, see a Nurse Practicioner instead of an Oncologist in clinic??


  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    I have seen the nurse practioner on several occasions, but only after seeing my oncologist first, she just went on to explain side effects and management of the treatment that i was on at that particular time -sorry thats not much help im afraid, she gave me her mobile number for any problems that may arise and for any questions or queries i had so she really was just the first port of call before my oncologist - glad to hear that you have had no side effects from first two weeks on xeloda!!!
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    I liked the Nurse Practitioner so much more than any Oncologist I have seen, he explained things so that I could easily understand it plus gave me his number in case I thought of a question or needed anything. He was really good, I felt completely at ease, I was surprised to find out though, he was a Nurse Practitioner & not an Oncologist, he didn't tell me that till the end. I am not sure why I am suddenly delegated to him though I have my suspicions.. 
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Depends how busy they are at the time. Usually its the oncology doctor though.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hey Cate! Not sure if its the same or not, but when I did Chemo I dealt with the Nurse in charge of Oncology at Freemasons and only saw my Oncologist once every few weeks. x 
  • Scooper
    Scooper Member Posts: 113
    No Cate - I always see my oncologist.  The breast care nurses are there and they are my first point of contact if I have a problem.  Hope you are doing well on your new treatment.

    Love Sandra
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    @Scooper hello Sandra my love, how are you???
    So far so good on my new treatment, lates  ct scan showed nothing, bone scan showed healing not activity so who knows why my tm's are crazy...
  • Annedipa
    Annedipa Member Posts: 73
    I had radiotherapy in the public system and saw nurse practitioners most of the time. Saw the radiation oncologist before treatment started and the final checkup months after it finished but that was all. My chemo was done through the private system so can't comment on that. 
  • Scooper
    Scooper Member Posts: 113
    Hi Cate.  Glad your scans are good.  My oncologist doesn't do TM's at all.  It is strange how they are all different.  I have been up and down with all my digestive stuff.  I will send you a PM and hope that we can catch up again soon.  Take care
    and I hope you can get back to running soon.
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    @Scooper I am still running :) I will never give up. I am parkrunning Sat morning then on Sun morning this week I am participating in the Brimbank Trail Run... yay go me!!

    Look forward to your pm & catching up again :) 


  • Pammy46
    Pammy46 Member Posts: 162
    During my 6 weeks of radiation I only saw radiation oncologist once all were practioner they were great and not so rushed in seeing me