Getting my head in the right space
I thought it was about time I created a new blog since I was first diagnosed with secondary BC just over 2 weeks ago and just share my rollar coaster of a ride over the last 2 weeks. Getting the news was an absolute shock. The oncologist and I got the results together. I had the scans and the report to give to her and I…
My mum has been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in the liver
I found out that my mum has been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in the liver. There are no words to describe just how devastated I am. She was diagnosed with primary breast cancer last year in June and went through 8 rounds of chemo, surgery to remove her left breast and further radio treatment. I cant bear to see…
I have stage 4!
I was diagnosed with early breast cancer in December 2013 and recently diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer metastasized to my liver. I was devastated with this coz i thought it was all over...i had chemotherapy and radiation and I was just on Herceptin. Now I have to go through chemo again. They started me on Kadcyla…
Starting Chemo next week
My first diagnosis of Cancer was secondaries in the liver. That was on 16/9. I have been through plenty of tests in the past month, u/s, CT, MRI, endoscopy and liver biopsy. I do know that my liver tumours have grown and multiplied between scans within 3 weeks of each other. I have HER2 positive cancer in my left breast…
Hi everyone, I got breast cancer in 2010. It was a huge shock but you just have to scrape ya jaw from off the floor and deal with it. I had a masectomy and reconstruction of my right breast, sentinel node biopsy, chemo and tamoxifen. My right breast is just as awesome as my left one only it has a party trick where I can…
Next bump on the road
Wow, what an awful past couple of weeks. I was admitted into hospital with a bad case of diverticulitis resulting from the chemo infusions. (EC). Placed in isolation as my neutrophils were 0.4. In hospital for five days on massive doses of antibiotics, initially nil by mouth, then placed on a liquid diet and finally on a…
Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Day
Hi everyone, Today is Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Day. Hopfully a day that will help increase community understanding around living with the challenges of a disease that can be so difficult to talk about with family, friends and work colleagues. A big thanks to everyone who has shared their inspirational stories with…
Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness
I noticed the U.K have a secondary breast cancer awareness day. How wonderful to see those with secondaries getting some focus in the community. Whilst I know the importance of focusing on the positives and raising money for research and support, for those living with and battling secondary breast cancer see those lovely…
Keep on keeping on
It's been 6 months since my last blog. Everything had been going really well, chemo and regular blood tests and tumor markers have remained low and steady so I asked my Oncologist for a scan, just out of curiosity. I went down to Adelaide for a CT scan and have some wonderful news; since the beginning of new chemo…
Feeling scared and uncertain
3 years ago I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer and underwent a right mastectomy, chemo radiotherapy and then started on tamoxifen. Whilst always living in the shadow of it returning, I got on with life, saw my stepson marry, my son become a father and my daughter is just completing year 12. I thought I was ok. Then…
My partner has secondary breast cancer
Hi, As the title explains, my partner Shelagh has very recently been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in the bones and liver. We moved to Adelaide 6 months ago from the UK with our two boys, (5 & 13 yrs). Shelagh was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 and had a left masectomy with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. A…
Hi All, I was diagnosed with IBC on 18/10/11. Had the usual treatment, including Herceptin & Tamoxifen. Was going well until I was diagnosed with brain mets on 20/6/14. I had a 3cm tumour removed on 24/6/14 and 10 treatments of WBRT. I have a few lesions on my meninges and 2 on my spinal cord. My prognosis isn't very good…
Twitching Eyes?
Hi Ladies - I am on a cocktail of Docetaxel, Herceptin and Perjeta - and I am just wondering if anyone is on the same - and also if any one on any combination of chemo cocktail get really bad twitching eyes? I have had radiation on a fractured shoulder and tumors behins the eyes as well. If anyone knows anything or has any…
Coping with chemo
I have just had my scans and the lesions are back in my Liver. I have started on Taxotere and Adriamycin and am really struggling with the side affects. The worst thing is the metallic taste in my mouth, I was wondering if anyone has any ideas that would help. My last chemo was Abraxane which I tolerated really well. Just…
BCNA survey for women living with secondary breast cancer
BCNA is conducting a survey of women living with secondary breast cancer so we can better understand the issues affecting you and your needs. If you have been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer (also called advanced, metastatic or stage 4 breast cancer), you might like to share your experiences with us by completing…