My story
Whilst being scanned for Spondolythesis, they told me there was an issue with "other bones"? My GP rang me next day & insisted I see him immediately with my husband. Bit scary thinking spondolythesis an issue, not expecting to be told you have cancer of the bone, from where?, a minute spot that was in breast. Upon further…
Representing women with secondary breast cancer
A few weeks ago I had the wonderful opportunity to represent BCNA members at the European Society of Oncology Conference on Advanced Breast Cancer in Lisbon. This conference meets every two years to set international guidelines regarding the treatment of advanced secondary breast cancer, (known in Australia as secondary…
Helping Mum
Hi Everybody I posted a few weeks ago about my 81 year old mother who had been diagnosed with HER2 positive (hormone negative) breast cancer. She had a left breast mastectomy on 8 January. We have been to the oncologist and after a lot of tests, we were told today that she has secondaries in her lungs. I am gutted. She has…
Hi everyone!
I'm wanting to chat to people about similar experiences. I was diagnosed in 2010 with breast cancer and 2011 with secondary bone cancer. I'm 27 and have had a few different surgery's. Heaps of radiation, 1 lot of chemo, Tamoxafin, leterazole and now exemestane and everolomus. Please excuse spelling. I have cancer in my…
Reconstruction with secondary cancer
I am on the list for breast reconstruction and just before Christmas I was diagnosed with Liver tumours. I am booked in for core biopsy next week to see if it is still BC and oncologist has put me on zoladex and laprazole. What is wanted to know is has anyone gone ahead with the reconstruction even though breast area is…
secondary cancer
hi all some if u may remember me i started this group in 2011 when i was diagnosed with breast cancer i m glad to c the group has taken off good on u all. i had to resign from the group as my husband became unwell and passed away in august. during that time i was feeling stressed tired and a bit unwell around a month ago i…
Secondary breast cancer
Hi this is my first blog, I have been living with mestatic breast cancer for 4 months now, well that is when I found out that the cancer had spread to my skull, spine, pelvis, ribs, throat, chest wall and 2 weeks ago I was told that it is now in both my lungs. I am still working full time, now that the pain has been…
Secondary breast cancer, Frankston
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with advanced / metatastic breast cancer which has spread to my Liver. I live in the Frankston area and despite a number of hospitals providing treatment there doesn't appear to be a local group for those with advanced disease. If you would like to join this group with the view to meeting up -…
Update on data collection on secondary breast cancer
Hi all, A few weeks ago some of our members in the Online Network were discussing concerns about the fact that data is not routinely collected on secondary breast cancer, the way it is when women are diagnosed with early breast cancer. For those who aren't aware of this issue, when a person is diagnosed with cancer…
Proper Introduction
It occurred to me I hadn't done a proper introduction on here yet so here goes. I'm the mother of soon to be two year old Amelia and the wife of my very own Magic Mike ( not a stripper of course but magical for all the very right reasons). We started on this detour late August after I had some lumps we discovered…
Not What we wanted to hear
Hi all, It's been a while since I last posted. I started 6 months of chemo on April 30. I am about to have a mastectomy Tuesday Oct 22, 2013. After cycles of FEC and Docetaxel, it appears they didn't do what we expected. Minimal change to the tumour - but it also spread to the liver. Oh dear! I started the monthly…
EMPathy BCN: Research into secondary breast cancer continues ...
As a BCNA Consumer Representative with the EMPathy Breast Cancer Network, I hear about some amazing research into advanced breast cancer. This Australia-wide team of scientists, surgeons and oncologists are dedicated to researching cellular changes that may underpin secondary breast cancer. Please visit the EMPathy BCN…
2 years on!
Two years ago today I received news that would change my life forever... I was told I had breast cancer AGAIN (almost 3 years after my first diagnosis), this time throughout both lungs. I was told surgery was not possible due to the extensive spread of the cancer, and there was no cure...my condition was terminal. The goal…
Searching for new drugs to prevent recurrence of breast cancer – Well worth a read
The EMPathy Breast Cancer Network needs little introduction within breast cancer organisations and scientific circles. This Australia-wide team of scientists, medical oncologists and surgeons is supported and funded by the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to investigate the role of ‘EMP’ (see below) in breast…
Hi all, Its my daughters 8th birthday this weekend. Usually for me its a happy time. This year is my first with ABC. Now its a scary time with me wondering if I will see her grow up. I feel I will fail her if i dont as I know I mean the world to her. I am trying to not let my fears ruin it for me but I am having a hard…