Always hope
Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and stories. I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in January, this was my first diagnosis. I finished 6 months of chemotherapy in July and was lucky enough to still work full time whilst having treatment. I have viewed many blogs and they have helped me to stay positive and…
My story
After having clear scans in Nov 2012 and a clear breast check by a Dr on Gynae ward of local public hospital in Feb, I found a largish lump in my right breast in April. Was diagnosed with Grade 3 IDC on 24/4/13. Had surgery to remove a 5+cm tumour on 9/5/13. The breast was preserved. Not sure if that's a good thing or not…
It has come to be in the past week that I need to accept decline. I, once again am faced with a choice. To live in sadness at what is happening to me or cherish the moments I have. The decline in my quality of life in a short time is difficult to accept. I have lived with this disease for 2 1/2 years with minimal, though…
BCNA forums-Sydney
Hello, Just to let you know if you are around Sydney that BCNA is holding two forums next month. 1. Wed 9th October 10-3. Early breast cancer 2. Thursday 10th October Advanced breast cancer Held at Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh(near Redfern). If you wold like to come they are free and you can book on 1800500258, or…
six months later still on the road to nowhere
hi just having a vent six months after finding a lump on my neck on the left hand side just near my collar bone dx with locally advanced breast cancer feb 13 had chemo a/c 4 rounds taxol 12 rounds about to start radiation 19 th sept 33 zaps i can feel the lump and see that it is regrowing due to pain increasing and size of…
Everything and Nothing.
I last spoke about loss. Losing friends is difficult. Losing them to a disease that you have yourself is difficult in a different way - there isn't the consolation of "time healing" - instead there is ticking. The ticking is always there - some days excrutiatingly loud and thumping, others just soft enough to intrude the…
The Good Things
I love reading the comments that people write on my blogs - for me writing is a brain dump. Often I feel the need to dump when something is playing on my mind - usually these are the more difficult things to nut out. I less frequently feel the need to brain dump about the good stuff. It came to me though, as I read your…
RIP Tracey (from her Hubby)
Hi Ladies, Eric here Traceys husband as you know Tracey passed away on the 1st February 2013 i would like to thank each one of you ladies as you were an INSPIRATION to Tracey and myself during her time here. Her funeral was attended by over 300 people which showed to me, how many she touched during her brief stay with us.…
Birthday Girl (well, almost!)
Hi friends, After a frantic two months of planning, Mum's birthday weekend is finally upon us! She is so very excited - it's been a real joy watching her get excited as we slowly let certain surprises slip! (Can't keep a secret from Mum - but that's okay, she likes looking forward to things rather than being overwhelmed by…
Reflections of 2012
Well reflections of 2012...what I can I say? 27 doses of chemotherapy, a bald head, countless needles, tests, scans, hospital admissions...every part of my body poked and prodded to keep me here...and IT WORKED thank God! :D I wont lie, it ...has been a tough year...my lowest point was when the first chemo I tried didn't…
The Story So Far - Part 2
With my kitchen totally demolished by "Tom the Wrecker", what is BC and all it's little friends supposed to do?? That is indeed the $64,000 question. The Pest Inspector (who would rather be known as the Pest Murderer!!! as I was told recently) received the completion of work certificate from TTW and it was indeed with…
My best friend
I realised that I very rarely write about my husband. There are many reasons for this. He is private. I don't feel I have as much right to share about him here as I do my children and I - I respect this. I must say though he is my rock. He is my best friend. He is another reason for waking in the morning and being grateful…
Sometimes life with cancer just becomes life with cancer. There is no light at the end of the tunnel, no time to move on - its just life with cancer. You do your best to live well. You meditate, you eat well, you research treatments, you exercise, you go to support group, you see your oncologist, you have your bloodtests,…
RIP Tracey
It's been a big week in our household with my youngest, my son turning 6 and starting Prep. I planned to honor him with a post today but woke up to hear that our dear friend and fellow network member Tracey has died overnight. Tracey was a superstar. She was one of the first people to reach out to me and especially offer…
Secondary breast cancer data collection
Good Morning, You may have seen previous discussions in the online network that data is not routinely collected on secondary breast cancer in the way it is when women are diagnosed with early breast cancer. ABC radio and TV are running a story today featuring BCNA CEO Maxine Morand and BCNA member Amanda Rynne advocating…