Birthday Girl (well, almost!)

Hi friends,
After a frantic two months of planning, Mum's birthday weekend is finally upon us! She is so very excited - it's been a real joy watching her get excited as we slowly let certain surprises slip! (Can't keep a secret from Mum - but that's okay, she likes looking forward to things rather than being overwhelmed by surprises!)
Thanks to a truly beautiful organisation called The Orange Pigeon, we have been able to do more than we ever thought possible. So many people and businesses have been incredibly generous... every time I open an email, I get teary!
I fly home tomorrow night and the last minute organising and setting up begins!
Last time I posted, Mum had just finished WBRT. It's been difficult since that ended. She has felt really very tired, we've noticed a lot of mood swings and just 'out of character' behaviour, and she's frustrated when she can't remember things like she could a year ago.
Also, she lost her hair again! I know that seems like a small thing compared to everything else, but you ladies understand! She was so proud of her new little haircut she was rocking and to have it all fall out again was quite upsetting.
Both my overseas brothers have returned home - there's a five day overlap where all of us are home together, and that is going to be a very special time. I don't know when that will happen again.
This weekend is sure to be fantastic. (I'm hoping I can get through my speech without bursting into tears!!!) I can't stress enough how much of a gift planning this celebration has been - for Mum, but also for all of us.
I hope you're all doing okay... thinking of you.