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Next bump on the road

Beery Dragonfly Posts: 64
edited October 2014 in Metastatic breast cancer

Wow, what an awful past couple of weeks. I was admitted into hospital with a bad case of diverticulitis resulting from the chemo infusions. (EC).  Placed in isolation as my neutrophils were 0.4. In hospital for five days on massive doses of antibiotics, initially nil by mouth, then placed on a liquid diet and finally on a soft food diet.  Discharged.

Follow up appointment made where received results of ct and bone scan.  My onc seemed very positive with the results as there was only one new site in my femur. I also complained about my sore arm again a result from previous chemo infusions.  Onc seemed a little hesitant, as I only had 3 more infusions to go but agreed to do a picc line insertion. Insertion arranged for following Wednesday in ICU, which went well and a follow up appointment made for chemo the following Tuesday. Turned up for appointment a little early (making allowances for pacific hwy road works). Seen my onc and then toddled off for what I thought  was going to be the normal chemo infusion which would take about 2-3 Hours, then back home.  Nine hours all up I spent in the hospital.

Nurse had trouble administering the epibrucin, it wasn't flowing in quickly enough potentially causing damage to my vein.  They stopped procedure and arranged for a doppler ultrasound to be done.  Ultrasound appeared normal.  Drs had a look and decided to  use heparin to clear the line if there was any obstruction within the line itself etc etc.  They checked the discharge rate or flow of the saline solution for both lumens which indicated that the rate was too slow for the epiburcin infusion therefore the Picc line was removed. Left hospital at 5.30 and arrived home at 7pm.  A very long, emotional and tiring day.  Now I have appointment made for portacath insertion next Tuesday with my normal chemo infusion the following day. God I hope it works and everything goes according to plan. I don't know what else can be done apart from going onto oral chemo again. Until my next post........Regards Sue:-) 



  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    So sorry that things are not going smoothly. Treatment is tough enough without these issues. I really hope that the port works out for you. Will keep my fingers crossed for you. Take care. Deanne xxx
  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited March 2015
    Oh you poor thing. Hopefully the port will be put in and infusions will be a breeze from now on. Hang in there. I had trouble with my veins and the port has certainly made things a lot easier for all involved. Good luck for Tuesday. Karen xox
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    What an awful,rotten time you've had.Surely you are in for some easier times now.Sending good cyber vibes and hugs,Tonya xx
  • Beery
    Beery Dragonfly Posts: 64
    edited March 2015

    Thanks everyone for your good wishes.  I have my fingers and everything else crossed at the moment. Sue:-) 

  • Maggiemaw
    Maggiemaw Member Posts: 39
    edited March 2015


    Sounds as if you are certainly having a rough time.  Hopefully things will go well for you once you have the portacath inserted - made a huge difference to me.

    Cheers, Maggie