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BCNA survey for women living with secondary breast cancer

Kathy_BCNA Member Posts: 101
edited August 2014 in Metastatic breast cancer

BCNA is conducting a survey of women living with secondary breast cancer so we can better understand the issues affecting you and your needs.

If you have been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer (also called advanced, metastatic or stage 4 breast cancer), you might like to  share your experiences with us by completing our online survey (see link below).

Note - secondary breast cancer is when the breast cancer has spread from the breast to another part of the body, such as the bones, liver, or lungs. It does not include breast cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes only.

You may have already received an email invitation to complete the survey, but if not you can find it here through SurveyMonkey.

The survey will take around 30 minutes to complete. It is anonymous, although there is an option to provide your name and contact details at the end if you would like to do so.

The results of the survey will be used by BCNA to promote the issues affecting women with secondary breast cancer, and to advocate for improvements that will help women receive the support and help they need. We will post a survey report on our website.

If you have any questions, please comment below or contact me on 1800 500 258 or by email at policy@bcna.org.au.

Thanks for taking the time to think about this - we would love to hear your experiences via the survey.



  • Kathy_BCNA
    Kathy_BCNA Member Posts: 101
    edited March 2015

    Thank you to everyone who participated in our secondary breast cancer survey. We have had more than 600 responses - a wonderful outcome.

    The survey is now closed and we will begin analysing the results. We'll write up a report and publish it on the website so we can share the findings with you. Keep an eye on the Online Network or home page and we'll let you know when it is available.

    Thank you again to everyone who took the survey for us. We appreciate your support.


  • Pink66
    Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
    edited March 2015

    Well done everyone.  should be some interesting reading when it is collated

  • Pink66
    Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
    edited March 2015

    Well done everyone.  should be some interesting reading when it is collated