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Nicknanoo Member Posts: 0
edited September 2016 in Metastatic breast cancer

Hi,   I got diagnosed with Secondary breast cancer in my lungs 6 weeks ago (20 April )  After going through breast cancer in 2014 which resulted in a mastectomy and 12 months of chemo....then got hit with the news that it has spread to my lungs.... since then I have had my port put back in and two chemo sessions. I am feeling lost and overwhelmed of what I should be doing. I have had to stop work  which has put a stain on my family  and im not sure where to turn or what to do.....   Any help/advice would be great....Thanks


  • jd48
    jd48 Member Posts: 484
    edited June 2016

    I am sorry to hear that you now have to deal with secondary BC after having gone through the whole BC ordeal 2 years ago.

    While I have no personal experience with it there is a dedicated group for women living with secondary BC and they might be able to help.

    This should be the link


    All the best


  • Nicknanoo
    Nicknanoo Member Posts: 0
    edited June 2016

    Hi Jel,   Thank im finding it a little difficult to get around website thought I posted in that forum

  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    edited June 2016

    Hi Nickanoo,

    I'm just going to jump in here to help you out. When you hold your mouse over the "big pink POST button" there should be a drop down. You should see "My Blog" and then under that "The Advance/Secondary group".

    To post into that group just click on it next time rather than "My blog" which is why this post has come to the main feed.

    I am happy to give you a call if you would like me to talk you through it.

    Ann-Marie x

  • Nicknanoo
    Nicknanoo Member Posts: 0
    edited June 2016

    Hi Ann-Marie,

    Thank you for that...Im also have trouble updating my profile...I add everything and it wont submit...very frustrating...


    Cheers Nicky

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited June 2016

    Ask your chemo mob to put you in contact with a social worker specialist. They should be able to help you navigate the nightmare of not working and debts and expenses mounting. They know all the perks.

  • Nicknanoo
    Nicknanoo Member Posts: 0
    edited June 2016

    Hi,   Yes I will do that I have my next session on the 9th...Thanks Breanda5

  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    edited June 2016

    hi, well i guess that diagnosis came out of nowhere!, so very sorry that you have had to join our circle of friends as i call it,i am nearly three years since i was diagnosed with stage 4 Advanced breast cancer, which had gone into my liver and spine,you must be feeling very overwhelmed at the moment, which is only natural,can i make some suggestions? if you do not already have a mcgrath breast care nurse please jump on to the mcgrath web site and see if there is one in your area, also if you are not working, your gp can work out a helath management plan for you, this will give you free access to a range of health practioners in your area, as well, the bcna also have a fantastic program at the moment they have the services of two psychologists who specialize in dealing with women who have secondary breast cancer,its a free service, you dont have to leave home, just call the 1800 number for bcna and they will arange everything for you, you have the phone call in the comfort and privacy of your own home and i am actually having a phone call tomorrow with the lady i have been speaking with for several months now, she is compassionate and really understands where i am at and everything i am going through,also the nsw cancer council has a telephone support group for women who have been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer its a free support twice a month again in the privacy of your home, they call you and you join in with other ladies all over australia and we talk about anything and everything, just call the 131120 number and they will put you in the right direction,you will also find this on line forum a great way to meet new friends in the breast cancer world and we ALL know what you are going through, you have a lot to absorb at the moment, and all of the above may not be for you at the moment, but please keep it in mind, you need to be gentle on yourself, and take care of yourself, your oncology team will be able to answer any questions you have or you can put those questions here and someone may be able to help, this is a great place to have a "spit" if you want we dont mind, we have all done it, im having a pyjama day today,and sitting here working my way through a packet of maltesers!!! i dont do that very often but somedays you just have to!!! i hope family and close friends are being supportive and that sometimes means just a hug or how are you as, they really dont know what to say when something like this comes along, so unfortunately you will have to be a patient with them, which is very hard when you are the one who has just had this devastating news, you may find some people will step back and some people will STEP up, if help is offered take it, it has taken me a very long time to be able to accept any help, but i do now, i have the community nurse come and give me my monthly injections, so i dont have to go to the doctors surgery, a blessing when i dont always feel especially well and when my body is low due to the chemo i am on at the moment, i also have accepted an hour and a half of housework help, once a fortnight  from the community health people at our local hospital, im sorry if this sounds like a lot of information for you BUT there is help out there for you, if you could just find out about a McGrath Breast Care Nurse thats the best piece of advice I can give you, I wish i could call in and give you a big hug and have a cuppa with you but I live in country SA so i just have to send lots of cyber hugs and know that we are always here for you, so, please TAKE a DEEP BREATH, and know that someone is always here to have a chat with you,


    wendy 55 

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,836
    edited June 2016

    Hi nicknanoo, so sorry to hear about your news. It's what we all fear.Its not fair to get it again after all that chemo you had to endure in 2014.Perhaps a start might be to ring Bcna and order your Hope and Hurdles kit and also ask them for free phone counselling which is now available to anyone with a secondary diagnosis. What about joining a bc support group in your area? I run one in the Hills area of Sydney.Keep blogging back here- you don't have to face it alone. You are probably still in shock and still trying to get your head around it. Big hug,  Tonya xx

  • Nicknanoo
    Nicknanoo Member Posts: 0
    edited June 2016

    Hi Wendy....Wow thank you so much for taking the time to not only let me know this info but to sit there and type it all out...Sorry it taken awhile to get back to you as updated my computer and sure enough have issued which I seem to have fixed now yippee!.I am not very good at asking or accepting help I don't want to be sick or act sick as I have a beautiful 10yr old boy at home that I have to stay strong for...Not sure if I am able to get some of this help or that it is available in my area as I live in Rural NSW...But I'm going to make myself yet another list and start ticking things off...I will post on progress...Cheers Nicky

  • Nicknanoo
    Nicknanoo Member Posts: 0
    edited June 2016

    Hi Tonya, Thanks for taking the time to answer me... I have got the Hope and Hurdles pack but cant seem to sit and read through it all as I just cry and shake every time I get it out so at the moment it is just sitting on the kitchen bench looking at me...I will get there but not just yet... I live in rural NSW so a lot of services not available here....Cheers Nicky

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited June 2016

    Definitely find out if a McGrath Breast Nurse available.   There is usually one linked at the country hospitals and the RFDS. I live in Broken Hill and have been surprised at the availability of services. Kath