9 years clear after second triple negative diagnosis.
Hello lovely ladies. I don’t get onto this main forum very often as my time is taken up with the choosing breast reconstruction group. I just wanted to share my good news today after my check up with my breast surgeon today. I am now 9 years clear from a second triple negative diagnosis (10 1/2 from 1st diagnosis.) Such a…
Tamoxifen and Sertraline/Zoloft
Hi there This is my first post. I was diagnosed in December 2018 with ER positive BC. Had surgery to take out two lumps in left breast and lymph nodes. Lymph nodes clear, I had radio and was put on tamoxifen. I also had my ovaries out later that year. I have not gone back to work yet and am struggling to rebuild and I note…
Online support for Regional WA.
Hi all, just wanted to share this link for a free online wellbeing and exercise course which starts tomorrow afternoon . It’s run by the Cancer Council for Regional WA. I’ve signed up. Might see you there xxx https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/living-well-with-exercise-and-mindfulness-registration-110067827836
Remedial Massage with a Portacath
Just wondering if anyone here has any knowledge about having a remedial massage with a portacath. I am very tight across my upper back/shoulders and getting mild headaches. I don't have lymphoedema thank goodness. I am on Herceptin and Letrozole and am not sure if they could be causing the headaches. It has occurred to me…
BCNA Walking Challenge
I have just come across this Group on the website. Is this still active ? Where is it located ? As an arthritis sufferer I try to do 6,000 steps per day but this cold weather is not helping, though I am trying to keep active. Isolation means I am staying home more than I should ! Any information would be appreciated. Thank…
What to Eat
Hi I haven’t been on for a while been struggling a bit and wasn’t able to handle anything negative so avoided online I have had my 3rd taxol and so far have been really lucky with side effects I am asking for some ideas of what to eat I think I’m being to paranoid about what I can and can’t eat and am getting sick of…
Yummy mushy foods- do they exist?
Hi All, I’ve just finished my last round of dose dense AC and gearing up for next 4rounds of Taxol. I already have one Mouth ulcer that I just can’t budge, no amount of salt water, Kenalog and dental hygiene is healing it. Does anyone have any yummy or at least strong tasting, foods / recipes that they have found are…
Hi, I’ve just completed 4 rounds of AC and had no periods during this time. I had my first round of Taxol last Friday and I got my period during treatment and it has really come with vengeance. I usually only get for 4 days and not heavy, but this is something else. I am 39. Has anyone else experienced this and should I be…
Capsular Contraction
Hi there Has anyone suffered from Capsular Contraction due to the breast Radiation distorting their implant. I would like to know if they had their implants replaced with new ones and how it all went. Thanks Jody
Psychologist Webinar Tonight
You may have seen an email pop into your inbox from BCNA about a webinar tonight on psychological impact of BC. I'm hoping that it will be good as, having heard Dr Tottman speak at the conference last year, she is excellent. So, if you've got the time, I would recommend giving it a listen.
Breast changes
I am just wondering if I have any cause for concern or things are just normal (or as normal as they can be). I had a lumpectomy in August last year and finished rads in November. My affected boob is now slightly smaller than the other which I know can occur as a result of rads, but it is also obviously warmer than the…
Good and bad news
It has been 3 years since I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, this week I had my annual check up my mammogram, ultra sound and a bone scan are normal I have been on Tamoxifen as well minimal side effects Bad news 3 surgeons have advised me to I need a major spinal and knee operations with in 3 months, I am of the opinion…
upper back and neck pain
Hi, I had a mastectomy 5 weeks ago folllowed by axial clearance 2 weeks ago. I have had one lot of chemo. The last 4 nights I have been unable to sleep because of this ache next to my shoulder blade on the mastectomy side. The pain extends up my lumbar muscles to my neck. Panadol gives me 4 hours, as soon as it wears off I…
SABC - Sex and Breast Cancer
This link popped up on my Facebook Feed today - it has numerous videos regarding Sex and Breast Cancer (Check out the Vids that are all prefaced by "SABC") I haven't watched any of them .... but hope that they may help answer some of your questions ..... https://www.youtube.com/user/KomenGreaterNYC/videos
Gadgetry confusion ... advice needed
Being in my late 60s and a bit overweight I am trying to get a bit fitter. I would like to know how many steps I do when I go for a walk and how hard my heart is working when I ride my old bike. I went to the shops to get some sort of gadget but am now too confused. I think they see my white hair and think I can be conned…