Insurance claims denied
Has anybody experienced having denied of insurance claims because the diagnosis on both breasts was only "Intermediate Nuclear Grade Ductal Carcinoma in Situ"? I was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer and had mastectomies (both breasts) last Sep 2011. I had a Women Health Plan which I have been paying since 1993. The…
Get Connected Day!
Hi all! We've had a lot of new members join the last few weeks, so it seems a good time for a "Get Connected Day" post. :) So, for everyone who's new, and those who haven't posted yet, here's your chance to introduce yourself by leaving a comment here, or by making a post in your own blog. As always, the purpose of the Get…
Jim Stynes R.I.P.
Feeling sad today at the news of the passing of Jim Stynes. It just reminds me that any cancer (not just breast cancer) is such an insidious disease, that hurts not just those diagnosed but their loved ones also. My thoughts are with Jim's young family. Jim's courageous battle with cancer, love of life and support for…
Jim Stynes
What a sad day RIP Jim Stynes.......what a truley insperational man its days like this we sit back and be thankful for all we have that is good in our lives i will take a leaf out of his book and live life to the fullest ........my heart felt condolances go out to his family who stuck by him right till the end.......rest…
A Cancer-Busting Food Guide to Darwin - Ep 1
In the best-selling pregnancy guide 'What to Expect When You're Expecting' there is a paragraph that says something like: "Every time you lift a fork to lips, ask yourself: 'Is this the best forkful that I can be feeding my baby?' If not, PUT THE FORK DOWN!". I must confess that I nearly picked the weighty tome off my…
Hi All
Hi all, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 and I am now starting to feel I haven't dealt with what I went through! I cry for no reason and I think I pushed that I had cancer to the back of my mind and now it has come back to haunt me. I would like to chat with others who have had the same feelings and ask how they…
Been a while!
Hi all you lovely ladies in pink lady land! I haven't posted for a while which with me usually means things are going well and I'm busy. I have 6 more radiotherapy sessions to go! Time has flown but I'm well and truly over it. My skin has been brilliant even though I usually have sensitive skin. I'm applying sorbolene…
Happy Birthday to ME
Well today I turn 39...and in honour my hair has started to fall out. Ironic, but not unexpected. As my mum tells me, it is a sign of 'rebirth'. I am going back to the way that I entered the world all those years ago! Otherwise I am feeling very happy and grateful to be celebrating this special day in my life. I am…
Good News
Well I got the results after all those tests I had done and every thing is stable and the tumor in my right breast has shrunk a little bit so we are extremely happy about that. The oncologist is so pleased with me that I can now wait 8 weeks instead of 6 weeks before seeing her again which is great for me especially as now…
Autumn Meditation Courses & Retreats
I will be offering two Meditation courses and retreats this Autumn at Health 'n' Harmony, Grenfell. Address: 'Spreyton' 22 Bradley St., Grenfell 2810, NSW MEDITATION COURSE I covers: Guided Meditation; Mantra Meditation; Mandala and Labyrinth Meditation; Introduction to Mindfulness Based Stillness Meditation; and…
Goodbye 2011 .... Hello 2012
Hi there everyone ... well I have been hibernating over the last couple of months .... still stalking the blogs and keeping an eye on you all but not commenting much time for a bit of mental R & R!!! 2011 was a "good year" what with the Pink Tractor, National Summit, Street Markets, Centro Info Day, Golf and Lunch with the…
Hello all, Hope everyone is having a beautiful day!! Yesteday i went into work to do a shift...Very cruisy, the other chef had done most of the work..It was gr8 to go and do some work. But i keep thinking/feeling that with everything i have gone thru and experienced my work is just not going to be as satisfying as what it…
upload a video???
does anyone know if you can upload a video to this site??? I have made a really helpful video on 3 easy ways to tie a head scarf. Thanks Ladies xx
What is your view?
Hi Everyone, I bought the book "Your Life in Your Hands" back in 2009 during my mastectomy. Read numerous websites with +s and -s ... but I never end up reading it pass 20pages, as I wasn't sure - I don't want to be a hypocrite - as the book talks about dairy & meat contributes to cancer, and yet I feed my kids all these…
Happy 13th Birthday my sweet Joy
Joy this is just a short note to say how much I love you. This is the second birthday I have been able to celebrate with you since diagnosed with advanced breast cancer In Sept 2010 . I try to live each Day to the fullest enjoying family, creating memories together. It has been a Long journey over the past 17 months but it…