Goodbye 2011 .... Hello 2012
Hi there everyone ... well I have been hibernating over the last couple of months .... still stalking the blogs and keeping an eye on you all but not commenting much time for a bit of mental R & R!!!
2011 was a "good year" what with the Pink Tractor, National Summit, Street Markets, Centro Info Day, Golf and Lunch with the Pink Ladies, Mini F-o-W, Ladies Day Melbourne Cup afternoon.
Xmas was great, we did a boat trip from Renmark to Wentworth for 3 days, just us, the two dogs, camping gear and food and of course drinks (wouldn't do to get dehydrated!!!)
Ok, back to business .... 2012 will be busy again and off to a good start. Had my 2year check-up with the oncologist and he doesn't need to see me for another 12 months which is a plus. Still taking Arimidex for another 3 years ... not fussed on the side effects but working through a pain control program and having regular physio to keep the threat of lymphadomia at bay.
Have been honoured to be one of four people nominated for the Wentworth Shire Australia Day Citizenship Awards, something I couldn't have achieved without the support of family, friends and of course our BCNA family. Thanks everyone for your ongoing encouragment.
Organising for the members of the Ulysses Club (think thats how you spell it ... veteran bikers club) to attach pink lady balloons to the 300+ bikes here for the Aust AGM in March.
Talking to our local footy and netball clubs about getting involved in the PINK Footy and Netball Mothers Day weekend.
I have had an offer from the local upholstery business to make a PINK swag to be a major prize in an 'art union" raffle .... got to get the legal bits organised for that.
During October we'll be having a PINK golf day, PINK lunch day and the Wentworth Services and Sporting Club are coming on board for a PINK Lady a good time will be had by all.
Welcome to all our new online members. This is where you can make friends for life, where strangers meet, bond and support each other. We all have friends and family who support us on this journey but there's nothing like comparing notes with someone who has "been there - done that". What ever situation you find yourselves in, there will be someone who can relate to what you are experiencing.
Much love to all x0x0x
hi lady, well another pink year begins i hope it is better health wise for us all.
i am making it a number one priority that i have to catch up with you this year.
so watch out be warned ha ha .
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Maybe some or all of the 2010 CLO's could attend one of your functions!!!!Xleonie
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Maybe some or all of the 2010 CLO's could attend one of your functions!!!!Xleonie
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Leonie - what a great idea !!! Shall I let Wentworth know in plenty of time to batton down the hatches in readiness for the PINK invasion ?
I'm pleased to say I received the Aust Day award ..... it was a "draw" between myself and a local photographer.
Lovely day, weather by the river was great, picnic lunch the a 2 hour cruise on the paddle steamer "RUBY"
Thoroughly enjoyed myself
Love to all ,, Shirl x0x
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Well done ms Shirley ~ a well deserved award for a wonderful woman who works tirelessly to promote breast cancer & the colour PINK!!!!!
Take care my dear
Kezz xoxoxo