DCIS - normal feelings?
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed in April this year with non invasive DCIS. I had surgery to remove growth, the radiation which finished in August. I worked mostly through the surgery and radiation treatment. But now I am feeling like I am having a breakdown. I am so angry and emotional and this is not me. I am post menopause…
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum - and any forum really - I have a horror of any sort of social media. But I am struggling so badly emotionally right now. I have been diagnosed with extensive DCIS in my left breast - 60mm high grade (grade 3) with comodo necrosis - confirmed via lumpectomy surgery. Another 5mm high…
How should I feel
I am writing this down here in a hope it will make me feel better. in the past three months I have gone from: -gym five times a week, long walks, gardening, maintaining home, caring to elderly parents, supporting children and grand children, and being a good friend. I like to keep busy, it makes me feel good. TO :-…
Lego! Feel like a kid again
Well, I’m 5 months in to my BC journey & am going to be off for at least another 5-6 more months (2 surgeries & 2 x rounds of AC chemo down, 14 rounds of chemo left, then radiation, then hormone therapy). I kept stocking up my spotlight online cart, but then I thought with my track record of not completing much craft, I…
Is everyone sleeping or just not posting?
Hi there Not sure at what point I go from newly diagnosed (August 2024) to more? Or if I’m no longer considered “new” if I’ve just had surgery early October? Like many others I’ve been busy just getting ready and preparing and being overwhelmed. These few days post surgery at home are the time I can now think. Only I can’t…
Treatment Decisions
Hello, My name is Cherie. I was recently diagnosed with ER+ breast cancer, it really shook be to the core, and what a roller coaster ride it has been, (Not a fun one!). I am finding it more difficult dealing with the decisions on treatment than the actual cancer diagnosis. I had a lumpectomy with 2 lymph nodes removed…
Invitation: Join the private Breast Reconstruction group
Hi Ladies, I am looking for lovely ladies who have undergone breast reconstruction and wish to share their experience! It doesn't matter when you had your reconstruction, you may have had it done years ago or just recently. I have started a private group called 'Breast Reconstruction' to share stories and images of…
Temp up
Felt achy all over then temp went up. I am now in the slammer. Hopeful for an early release tomorrow. Bloods show no infection.
Cold sensation in chest when drinking cold drinks after bilateral M
Just a quick question - does anyone else have a weird sensation when drinking cold drinks after their mastectomy? I had bi lat mastectomy 6 weeks ago and when I drink cold drinks, I can feel the coldness travelling down through my chest. I asked my breast nurse and she said she had never heard of that before and it's not…
Rash on letrozole
good morning everyone. I've developed a rash on my body on day 4 of starting Letrozole. Anyone else had this side effect? I rang my oncologist last night who recommend antihistamine to get me through the night and to see my GP this morning.
Hi all, It's been a while since I post something. A lot has occurred since the last time I post something. Unfortunately, I was not doing well with the weekly chemo and Immunotherapy treatment. Spend all Easter break in hospital due to infection, I became hypersensitive to needles and got a PICC Line inserted which lasted…
Choosing a surgeon (Melb) -New diagnosis overwhelm
Hi there, Im 49 and had my first routine mammogram in September- no family history or symptoms. They discovered calcifications, had a biopsy then 5 days ago I was told I had breast cancer. Stage 2-3 6cm aggressive.That’s all I can remember to be honest as I was in so much shock. Got referred to my GP in the afternoon and…
Introducing Myself
Hello Everyone. I have just joined this website and am hopeing to connect with others in a similar situation as me. I was diagnosed in June 2021 with ILC . I had 6 months of chemo, then a mastectomy and then 25 rounds of radiation. The cancer returned in October 23, and is now in my lymph nodes and hips. I have stage 4…
Advice please
Hi, I am a 36 year old mother of 4. I’ve recently had a breast MRI after chronic breast pain behind nipple. It returned a cat 3 for ILC. The breast surgeon recommended to wait 3 months, rescan then if results are consistent or increasing I will be referred for a MRI led biopsy. My question is around second opinions and…
Newly diagnosed
Hi everyone, so relieved I’ve found somewhere I can share with others who are living the same experience. I was diagnosed, 4 days ago. 33 years old. I had my CT and bone scan done Thursday and I was advised yesterday that there was no spread (despite it being an aggressive cancer) - a silver lining in what only can be…