I am was recently diagnosed with DCIS stage 1 - there is a lot to take on board - I am currently using HRT - which will be ceased very soon - I don't know what to use for menopause symptoms after HRT ceases - any ideas!!
BYO Cold Cap?
Hi all, I have just found out that my hospital (Monash) doesn’t offer the cold cap for chemo. The breast care nurse I spoke to was very disparaging of them, saying there was no evidence they worked, which surprises me as they seem relatively common in better hospitals. She said the only option was to BYO frozen caps in an…
Confused & Overwhelmed
Hi everyone I'm brand new & so overwhelmed. My nurse has passed on theses details & I'm looking to share my story, offer my support & hope my new sisters can help & guide me please. I've got a small 11 x 8mm cancer. Grade 2, invasive ductal, ER 95%, PR 95%, Her negative & I'm booked for surgery 24 October. I've been told…
More on the Elle saga
Major debunking of one of Elle McPherson’s ‘medical advisors’ on the 7.30 Report tonight. Emphasises the importance of knowing real qualifications rather than the hype. Or the vibe!
Incurable breast cancer numbers almost triple previous estimates. World first data
After 25 years of advocacy by BCNA, people with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) have finally been counted — at least in New South Wales. In a data breakthrough that far surpasses previous estimates, the Cancer Institute NSW has identified there are 7900 (7850 women and 50 men) living with MBC in NSW alone. This world-first…
More information about Elle MacPherson's breast cancer treatment
For anyone who wants to know more about why Elle may have decided not to have chemotherapy. https://theconversation.com/elle-macphersons-breast-cancer-when-the-media-reports-on-celebrity-cancer-are-we-really-getting-the-whole-story-238231
Nervous and new
Hi all. Im a 53 year old single mother of 2 adult children with an elderly mother who has been battling lung liver and bone cancer for the last 7 years. She lives an hour away from me with my awesome step father whom also is being treated for prostrate cancer. I was diagnosed as having grade 2 invasive ductal cancer 2…
Hair colouring
Hi, I was diagnosed with Estrogen Positive & Her2 Breast cancer in March 2024. I had 14 weeks of chemo with a cold cap and managed to keep my hair. I had my double mastectomy 3 months ago followed by 3 weeks of radiation. I am still on immunotherapy until next year. I am wondering if anyone with a similar experience can…
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Moderator moved @MissL post from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed':
Usure what decision to make
Hi, I was diagnosed on the 13th of September 2024. I have had my surgery, a right breast mastectomy. I am now 3 weeks post-surgery, I met with an oncologist two days ago to have an informed discussion. As my cancer is classed as grade 2 (20mm) and (9mm) he has suggested that it is my decision to make in regards to having…
Happy birthday to you @iserbrown
To dear @iserbrownwishing you the happiest of birthdays and many happy more I hope that the day is filled with joy xox
Hi, I've had my surgery, finished my radiation and now just started hormone therapy. What are people's experience with Letrozole? I've been nervous about starting hormone therapy because of all the side effects. I have depression and anxiety so a bit concerned the effect the tablets may have on that.
Tram flap + heart valve replacement
Hi. I am almost 8 yrs post double mastectomy+tram flap op. ( Best decision ever! So happy with results). But now I have a faulty aortic heart valve( not related to BC). Just wondering if anyone has had open heart surgery since a tram flap? What are the extra risks to our reconstruction? I am hoping the doc says I can use…
Time to process
Hi All, my intro post. Such a roller coaster of emotions and processing suddenly going from perfectly healthy to not! I had a Diagnosis 22/12/23 IDC with 2.9cm tumor and lymphnode involvement from BreastscreenSA. ER and PR +, Her -. (Xmas is harsh to get such news, both in the slow down of services and in telling nearest…
New member
Hi. I was diagnosed with mbc in 2021. An MRI done of my hip (me thinking I needed a hip replacement) revealed a bone lesion and further scans showed I had lesions in my skull, breast bone and right shoulder blade. Radiation helped with the pain in my hip and I am now able to walk unaided. I have been on letrozole and…