Surgical options when you need radiation post surgery ???
Hi All I am seeking advice/information about what options you were given for surgery when you needed to have radiation post surgery. A bit about me, I am 52 single mum to adult sons (one still at home). I was diagnosed with IDC Grade 3 Triple Negative BC in early May. I have been undergoing neoadjuvant chemo and have just…
Inherited gene mutations - are you at higher risk of breast cancer?
Approximately 5-10% of breast cancers are hereditary- caused by a
gene abnormality that is passed from a parent to their child. If one or more of your close family members have been diagnosed
with breast cancer, you may be concerned about your inherited risk of
developing breast cancer. If you’re at higher risk, have you…
StratXRT - first use, not sure I’m doing this right?!
Hi all Invasive lobular carcinoma (Grade 2, ER+ PR+). Breast conserving surgery completed 4/9 (after a wide excision open biopsy on 6/8). Started the first of 15 radiation treatments today and have opted to use StrataXRT. Have only used it once and it doesn’t feel like I expected. Everything talks about a ‘gel’ ‘drying’…
Chris O'Brien Lifehouse
Happy days has landed with Grade 2 invasive. I don't want much after double mastectomy - too many other co mobilities. Can anyone tell me in 2024 do RPA pts go into RPA ward or the Lighthouse as a public pt? I've had a few chats - and because I don't want anything apart from surgery it is pretty simple and not much there…
What book are you reading?
I know there was a discussion a few months ago about what people are reading at the moment but I can't find it so I'm starting a new one! I read lots of good books (and some not so good ones) but I just finished one that was fast-paced, an easy read, a bit quirky AND the main protagonist was a not quite young woman! "It's…
Rare Breast Cancer
Hi everyone I have recently been diagnosed with Encapsulated Papillary Carcinoma, apparently a rare cancer of the breast, mainly seen in post menopausal women in mid 60’s. I have had a lumpectomy with clear margins and am having sentinel lymph node biopsy next week, followed by possible radiation and hormone blocking…
Mastectomy /post surgery pillow
Hi all, I have a brand new mastectomy pillow that I found really helpful that is basically as new. I would be really happy to post it to anyone that is about to have surgery at no cost. I just can’t bear to throw it away and would be happy for it to help someone else! Just dm me with your address if you would like it. I’ve…
High Dose Radiation to Chest Wall. Long-Term Side Effects?
Hello, My radiation oncologist has recommended a 20% higher than normal dose of radiation to the chest wall due to close posterior margin. I am keen to know what long-term side effects anyone has experienced from this type of radiation. Thank you for sharing.
I'm new here
Hello. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm tina 62 years old just diagnosed with early breast cancer, grade 1 and grade 2, ER + This was picked up at post my regular mammogram. After further visit to my local breast clinic and gp I now have referral to surgeon. The staff at the breast clinic were amazing, my gp specialises…
New to cancer and here
Hi I'm a newbie to this My birthday is 23.3.81
DMX with AFC
I had DMX with AFC on November 7 2024. Im still bandaged up. Did anyone that had this hate their scars afterwad. I think im going to look like a freak. A flap reconstruction would be 8-10 hours surgery and rial for my age and size.i did not want reconstruction it consist of 2 seperate surgies. Im terrified of being under…
Double Mastectomy
Hi I've decided to undergo a double mastectomy skin sparing with nipple recon and implants .Because of the scaring from my previous two lumpectomy's the surgeon stated they will be smaller and higher up. Im feeling anxious about the whole procedure but Im grateful that I only have grade 3 DCIS and no invasion. Hoping all…
Perth Breast Reconstruction Support Group Xmas Party
Saturday 7th December 12:30pm Herdsman Lake Tavern Wembley Perth ladies - Please join us for our last support group for 2024. This is the place to hear about the different types of reconstructions & get your questions answered. You may bring a female friend for support but we are a lovely friendly group & welcome all…
Welcome New Members - 8th November 2024
Thankyou to everyone who has joined the Online Network recently: @ChefArn @Gemma86M @Tropickle @DavKel8285 @KatieBee @Petiti @NatAnd @Rhee @cancersucks123 @youngt @Tokilovesme @sawsan @brymac @Rhubarb21 @michellemad @Millie_Vanilli @jessr84 @Neetha @joyalick6 @AmandaB @BarbaraP @MissL @GrannyBerd @stine @pwood @anne983…
High grade DCIS in Brisbane
I was recently diagnosed with high grade DCIS in Brisbane.Unfortunately, I have only been in Australia for a year from China and have 2 children with me. Fortunately, the lump is very small, less than 1 cm, and it’s still carcinoma in situ. The doctor performed a breast-conserving surgery, and I’m currently waiting for the…