Welcome New Members - 8th November 2024

Thankyou to everyone who has joined the Online Network recently:
@ChefArn @Gemma86M @Tropickle @DavKel8285 @KatieBee @Petiti @NatAnd @Rhee @cancersucks123 @youngt @Tokilovesme @sawsan @brymac @Rhubarb21 @michellemad @Millie_Vanilli @jessr84 @Neetha @joyalick6 @AmandaB @BarbaraP @MissL @GrannyBerd @stine @pwood @anne983 @PCK @Mals @narelle_d @belle_1 @LeeAnn @dianamaree @Kiska @trix63 @globalbabe @dandelion85 @MellieG @Doris @MelV83 @zoe @tsanson @4rrrt5555 @pjaz @little_miss_curious @giselle @alisonf @Bdel @Erika888 @flowergirl @yse @Katsued @roo123 @vickitennant @SlimTee @vicksta @Lincoln_Chick1981 @AmandaHER2positive @GRS @tantechrissie @Topcat29 @sunrise_sunset @lescol @kimw71 @Kjenkins @Adelsalison @coltmama @SandiDee @Keen @JulesNicoll @purplenailpolish @toni64 @tina_m2 @Ris67 @dangerje @520174 @hughsy @Deelight @diana_s @ilovesummer @Suziw1957 @sez44 @winwin14 @bgu @Kate15 @mumto6kids @Mauz1453 @Annemarie29 @Nicola95 @beth_again @Fairlie @Cheree_80 @shirlanne @JelsKovac @LizzieV @perthpom71 @allyluscombe @vickifriz @Beatha @sarah_h2 @pchan @Southmelbourne24 @PinkSummer @SMcS @katesmom @Chalkie @markell @Kasper34 @PamJ @biance88 @ang2212 @jlong86 @DoreenG @Carolyn1 @lizk @LRZ @Hilly58 @patrice @Brazillda @Helenesylvia @GMenghetti @jodylee @Bec0715 @tonic @JessPer @Dan_S @Luca @Padmant @Keggie32 @Fairyland_3 @janemk @Wadi @Mona73 @melsev @marialynley
You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia's (BCNA's) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with generous members who provide meaningful support to each other. You can share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with other members. Please explore our various Groups for members who are looking for greater peer-to-peer support.
The following links may also be helpful in getting you started:
If you would like to introduce yourself please read How do I post a new Discussion?
- Community Guidelines
- My Journey
Newly diagnosed? Listen to BCNA's Upfront About Breast Cancer Just Diagnosed - What's Next? and What I Wish I Knew podcasts
Metastatic breast cancer diagnosis? Webcast: Just diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, what’s next?
When is your birthday? Head to this discussion thread if you would like to share your birthday (no need to include the year unless you want to). We love an online celebration and on the day you will receive a virtual birthday cake that we can all share!
Our long-time members (newbies too!) are a wealth of information regarding the useful discussion topics and information available through BCNA's Online Network, therefore please do not hesitate to post your questions. You have the option to add details about yourself to your 'Profile' (Update your profile image by clicking 'Change My Picture') and if you would like more targeted responses, you may like to add where you live (e.g. Sydney; Melbourne; Regional Victoria).
If you need help navigating the Online Network please message myself @Mez_BCNA or one of our other moderators: @Denise_BCNA , @Risha_BCNA , @Pat_BCNA, @Kate_BCNA , @Daina_BCNA
Please note: the Online Network is not moderated by staff/volunteers on the weekends, however if you need something actioned, the quickest way to resolve your query is to contact the Helpline Team via email helpline@bcna.org.au or phone 1800 500 258 Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm AEDT
Hi everyone! Just had a lumpectomy on Tuesday. 2 lymph nodes removed. I'm 58, mum had breast cancer - she's ok. My tumour was estrogen positive and progesterone positive. HER2 negative. 2cm lump, contained. Radiation in 6 weeks and then endocrine therapy - hormone tablets. Recovering well. Emotions up and down. Doing the exercises given by the nurses. Too much going on in my life right now - brother-in-law has terminal brain cancer and my kids' aunty now has terminal cancer. Not sure how to cope right now. I have to concentrate on my own health, stay calm and accept what is. Life is challenging isn't it? Nice to be here to connect with other women.2
A warm welcome everyone to our special place. Make use of all areas of the network
its my go to for everything BC related and more.Nothing is too dumb or silly to ask its a 24/7 access for chatter. Or just browsing through1 -
I am always astonished by the number of new members.
Rest assured you are in the right place for guidance and understanding.
I am an oldie now 9+ years since diagnosis. Look forward to officially saying thank you and goodbye to my great Oncologist.
Best wishes2 -
Hi everyone, I'm in much the same boat as Erica - newly diagnosed and have had a lumpectomy with biopsies of 2 lymph nodes. I'll find out next week if they've gone any further with cancer in them and what the outcome of the surgery was. Of course I'm worried about it and happily my husband will be with me.
I'm the first in my family to have breast cancer and luckily I went for regular mammograms as this was picked up when it was very small. I exercise a lot and am raring to get back to the gym, especially after listening to the podcast on exercise and cancer
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@iserbrown you’re not wrong re the numbers seem to be more. maybe word has got around to join this network considering how many people are diagnosed each year.2
Breast cancer awareness month seems to work. Hi all. I was diagnosed about a month ago. Op scheduled for 28th. It’s a diffuse type of tumour and hard to define but I’ve been told my prognosis is good and it’s Stage 1 when mucinous carcinomas are often not caught until Stage 3. Could be a lumpectomy but might be a mastectomy so I’m preparing for that. My learning so far is to ask for information and help. BCNA helpline really helped me. So thank you BCNA for my first two decent nights sleep since this started. The panic, the confusion, the overwhelm - it’s all normal. Sisterly love to anyone going through this. You can, we can. I know I can. Faced lots of health challenges, which are adding to the complexity of this, but none has seen me give up yet, fallen in a few deep holes but climbed my way out of them. 70 and planning a couple more decades.3