I'm new here

tina_m2 Member Posts: 9
Hello. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm tina 62 years old just diagnosed with early breast cancer, grade 1 and grade 2, ER + 
This was picked up at post my regular mammogram.  After further visit to my local breast clinic and gp I now have referral to surgeon. The staff at the breast clinic were amazing, my gp specialises in breast care and is amazing. The cancer is 'getable', I'm feeling fairly optimistic atm for a successful treatment,  but still anxieties around the c word linger. One step at a time. Thank you in advance for your support. The BCNA support and resources also a1. I was very aware of my emotional response to the news from fear, anxiety, anger even. Information is power, so I've settled. I have my book with all my thoughts and questions. I offer my support to all the newbies here too. Tina


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Sorry to see you join our select little club, @tina_m2  ….. the one that no-one ever wants to join :(  Whack up any question that you have, here, & we’ll do our best to help you with an understandable answer.

    Terrific that your GP specialises in Breast care - often we don’t see the GP for months once you get on the BC bandwagon as there are just SO many tests & scans to be done, then your surgery & Onc appointments ….   Your life gets turned upside down in a millisecond  :( 

    Your emotional response to your diagnosis is 100% totally normal too ….  But if you feel overwhelmed at all, jump onto the phone & have a chat with our helpline 1800 500 258 (Mon-Fri 9-5)  

    All the best for your appt with your surgeon - where abouts are you (roughly) - you can add your town/suburb/region in your profile - then members may be able to point you towards BC services available to you in your town.

    I’d suggest that you take a trusted friend of family member with you to all your initial appointments (surgeon, Medical Onc and Radiation Onc) as an extra set of ears and also physical support for you and to also record your meetings.  It is virtually impossible to remember everything that is said - and it is important that you understand everything that is mentioned.   Taking notes is an idea also - but then, as you are writing, you may miss the next point that they cover.  Best thing, I reckon, is to take notes afterwards as you listen to the recording   ;) 

    I’d definitely recommend that you listen to the Charlotte Tottman’s Podcasts on “What you don’t know til you Do’’ ….. She is a specialist Breast Cancer counsellor and was diagnosed herself about 5 years ago.  She had a double mastectomy & chose to remain flat.  She was surprised at her own emotions after her diagnosis, as they were different to what she thought they would be, given her experience advising clients.  So, she ‘gets it’ (as do we.) They are very easy to listen to - and you’ll probably recognise yourself in a lot of what she says.

    Also, check out this thread for lots of info on the forum - and also tips on what to take with you to hospital & other handy stuff xx

    take care, take it one day at a time, one hour, if needed …. Try not to get ahead of yourself worrying about the ‘what ifs’ …. And definitely stay away from Dr Google!  A lot of the info on BC is outdated & probably not relative to your own diagnosis & it can be downright scary, if you are reading someone else’s tale! 

    Let us know here, how you go with your surgeon & other members of your team - you will probably be introduced to a Breast Care Nurse, too … who may become your best buddy. ;)
  • tina_m2
    tina_m2 Member Posts: 9
    Thank you for all those tips and suggestions. I will look them up I've meet with my surgeon, will again speak to her later today, post my mri. Mastectomy was mentioned in our conversation about treatment and moving forward as was lumpectomy, though the two areas need to be dealt with  in view of best outcome, if it was just the one area it would be a different. Of course I'd love to keep my breast, who wouldn't? It wasn't easy to take all that info in, but given myself some time to let it settle. She is a lovely surgeon but at one point in our conversation needed to be frank with me, I think I needed it at the time. Surgery is book for 22nd. The journey continues 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    If mastectomy has been mentioned by your surgeon, @tina_m2,  has she also mentioned reconstruction?

    We have 2 private groups here, one for reconstruction and one for those who choose to remain flat.  You can join both groups & put up any questions that you like.  Only members can see the discussions:

    take care
  • tina_m2
    tina_m2 Member Posts: 9
    Oh yes, reconstruction and alternatives were discussed,  thanks for letting me know of those groups. I'm thinking on these things as well.
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 303
    Hi @tina_m2
    Sending you lots of positive vibes because this news is incredibly unwelcome for any of us who have had to hear it. But it is really great that your diligence with a regular mammogram has detected this early and given you the best possible chance.
    I finished my surgery, radiation and chemo regime earlier this year and am feeling grateful for all the tests and developments in treatment we have today.
    It is also great that you are able to discuss your surgical options so thoroughly and your GP has a special background with breast cancer. Information and a chance to process it helps. 
    A couple of suggestions, if you’ve had biopsies taken. It might be worth clarifying if your breast cancer type is invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), which is more common, or if it’s invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC). A related question is whether the mammogram indicates if you have dense breast tissue (or not). 
    It is handy to get all the details about your type from your surgeon, whilst you can, as these might be relevant bits of information to know about down the track. For example, when you look at ongoing monitoring in years to come. 
    Do you have a treating oncologist in your health team?  In my case the oncologist and my surgeon spoke closely before landing on my treatment plan. That said, my particular type and circumstances meant it was clear that I was going to be having chemotherapy before and after my lumpectomy. 
    Wishing you all the very best and great work finding this network- I came to it a bit later in my treatment but I have found it so helpful at different stages of my regime. There’s a lot of support and much wisdom 🌸
    Go well. 
  • tina_m2
    tina_m2 Member Posts: 9
    Thank you all. Still in consultation with surgeon, the issue is around 2 x idc on same breast but one at 12oclock and one at 3oclock. The surgeon wants to ascertain the best way forward post mri review looking at surrounding tissue. I dont know if this scenario is common or not, I didn't ask yet. Anyone experience similar? 
  • tina_m2
    tina_m2 Member Posts: 9
    I have another appointment with surgeon this Friday,  the full report of my mri wasn't ready, but what she could tell me is my lymph is not affected, but she also wanted to review surrounding tissue, as is dense and some anomalies, so we will discuss the report. My surgeons name is Dr kowsalya murragapann, a breast specialist from the Wesley hospital brisbane. I'm hoping Friday we can discuss more, as she seemed fairly frank about mastectomy being best way forward for the two Idc same side but not real close together. So much has already been discussed,  it takes a bit of time to sink in. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Great that the nodes don't appear to be affected @tina_m2 xx

    If your surgeon is suggesting mastectomy - consider joining the 2 private groups - one where members have chosen reconstruction & the other, where they have chosen to remain flat.  You can ask any questions there, in total privacy xx
    Click on each link & then click 'join' ... it may give you some info to discuss with your surgeon on Wed


    take care