Choosing breast reconstruction

This private group is a place for women to connect, help make decisions & share their experiences of breast reconstruction through words and pictures. There are many different options available for reconstruction and much to consider so it can seem overwhelming. Connect with other women who have had, or have considered, breast reconstruction.

Please note as our group is private our posts don't appear in the main forum.  You will need to actually come to the group to read them so please pop in often and help support each other.

Who is this group for?

This resource with its stories and images might help those women trying to make their most difficult decisions. All women planning breast reconstruction following mastectomy or partial mastectomy are welcome regardless of their cancer status.


This is a private group. Anyone can see the group, but only members can see its content. People must apply or be invited to join.

To ensure that privacy of this personal information and images is maintained please DO NOT COPY any of the material or pictures. Please be mindful of those around you when accessing this site to ensure viewing is limited to members only.

Breast Reconstruction Photos

This group contains Photo Stories of breast reconstruction. Very generous members have shared their images to help others in their decision making process. Be aware some images may be confronting for some viewers.

Medical advice

The information and discussion on this private blog is personal opinion and experience only and not intended to be used as medical advice. For personal medical advice please contact your health professionals.


Membership is made up of ladies sharing their stories and images of their breast reconstruction experiences and women seeking information, advice and support. Members may or may not have had a diagnosis of breast cancer.

Still need more information?

Group leaders

We have all been there and understand how lonely and difficult this stage of recovery can be. Please reach out if you need any help at all with finding the information you need.

Owner: BCNAContributors: Chorsell, Jane221, LouiseTurner, BRFacilitator, mum2jj, BCNACreated on June 7, 20162600 membersPrivacy: Private