StratXRT - first use, not sure I’m doing this right?!

Peachy Member Posts: 6
Hi all
Invasive lobular carcinoma (Grade 2, ER+ PR+). Breast conserving surgery completed 4/9 (after a wide excision open biopsy on 6/8). 

Started the first of 15 radiation treatments today and have opted to use StrataXRT. Have only used it once and it doesn’t feel like I expected. Everything talks about a ‘gel’ ‘drying’ and forming a film but this feels like a greasy, not wet solution, and it doesn’t feel wet or dry or appear to have made any film - just a soft, slightly greasy layer similar to how your skin is after using a body butter. Am I doing something wrong? Can anyone who’s used this give me any advice? Keen to get on top of this before application 2.

So grateful in advance for your assistance. 🤗❤️


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,522
    Hi @Peachy, I didn't use this but I understand it is a morning and night application and it is meant to be a fine covering over the area radium is treating. Have a chat to the radium nurse and team. They should be able to show you how to apply it. Best wishes for your treatment.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,527
    I was told if it feels greasy you may be using too much. I didn't end up needing it due to shorter radio time but have heard great results.
  • Peachy
    Peachy Member Posts: 6
    Thanks for the quick responses Blossom and Cath. I’ll have to take it in and speak to the nurse today. The product is certainly not working for me so far!
  • Sheri
    Sheri Member Posts: 3
    Hi I used this through my whole radiation treatment.  It is a greasy feel.  I actually had to stand the tube up with the lid at the top because it leaks out of the tube.  I would apply it morning and night.  Apply to all the area being hit and rub it in and I waited about five minutes before putting on my bra to let it dry a little.  You don't have to apply a lot but make sure you cover the whole area. This gel worked fantastic for me and I had no redness no sores nothing at all. I used the gel before my first treatment and used it for a month after finishing as they say the peak is ten to twelve days after finishing.  Best wishes for your treatment. 
  • Paris_24
    Paris_24 Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2024
    @Peachy sounds like you are doing it right maybe just using too much.  I am also using the same for radiation at the moment.  I was told no more than 10 cm drop in your hand, then use your fingers to dot it on the outline/ areas enforce joining it all up.  I know it is greasy when I pop on too much.  It just feels like you have a light cream on your body - love you can shower with this product.  Good luck
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,303
    edited October 2024
    Hi @Peachy
    I was given a lesson on how to apply it by the nurses at the radiotherapy centre.
    If if feels greasy it means you have applied too much.
    I practiced at home a couple of times ( then washed it off ) before my first session.
    I had 28 sessions and only got a little bit of pinkness towards the end but no blisters or skin breakdown.
  • Peachy
    Peachy Member Posts: 6
    Thanks for the fabulous responses. It turns out I had misunderstood what the “film” would be and what I perceived as greasiness was the actual film! *facepalm* 
    Based on all the great commentary here I’ll persist with it. I’ll come back and let you know how I go!
  • melzzs
    melzzs Member Posts: 61
    edited October 2024
    Hi I am currently doing radiation up to 5th day now so far so good no real side effects as yet I have been applying moo goo after each shower and before bed,I asked about the film and they told me it wasn't necessary for me I don't understand why
  • Peachy
    Peachy Member Posts: 6
    Just popping back to close this thread out. 
    I did 15 radiation sessions and used the StrataXRT cream twice a day and drank 2 litres of water. While I had breast pain/tenderness including nerve pain I had no skin breakdown and barely any redness. Now two weeks post treatment - and still applying strata - I’ve had no visual breast changes and aside from some residual tenderness  you’d never know I had radiation. The only downside for me was the tenderness when applying Strata due to the need to spread it thinly - I don’t think something like Moo Goo would have felt like this as I would have been able to slather it on. That said, given my results I’d chose StrataXRT again if I was starting over. In my case it felt worth the money.
    cheers and thanks again for the support.
  • GrannyBerd
    GrannyBerd Member Posts: 3
    I had 15 sessions of radiotherapy also and used Moo Goo Restore Cream. I completed the therapy without any burns or tenderness and continued it for a couple of weeks after. The cream was easy to apply and left my skin feeling soft, not greasy. Highly recommend.
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,303
    edited November 2024
    Hi @GrannyBerd and @Peachy
    I had 28 sessions of radiation and used the strata X and had only very mild pinkness and no skin breakdown.
    The centre I went to used Mepitel as the standard ( was free) but not everyone is suitable.
    I had to pay for the strata x but it was worth it in my view.
    I have seen posts on other forums of radiation burns that are not pretty so would not necessarily rely just on moo goo if the Mepitel or Strata X are a possibility.