Stiffness under arm after lumpectomy

Erika888 Member Posts: 9
Hi everyone
I just had lumpectomy on Tuesday. Doing quite well. Minimal bruising on breast. I need advice please - I've been given exercises to do from breast nurses but have stiffness under my arm. I can't do the exercises because it's a bit sore. Should I just push through gently? Can I give it a gentle massage? 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    It may take a little while for the stiffness to 'lessen' @Erika888 - some discomfort/pain is quite normal ...

    The underarm may be stiff/sore from the node removal.   Reaching up can be painful til everything settles down again - but don't do any lifting until after you see your surgeon & they will check your range of movement and tell you what you can & can't do.

    Can you contact your BC Nurse & just check in with her before pushing thru the pain (even by email/SMS?) ....

    If the exercises hurt ... back off until you've spoken with her - seeing her would be even better. 

    Gentle massage, if it doesn't cause pain shouldn't be a problem ... but check first.  

    take care & all the best x
  • Erika888
    Erika888 Member Posts: 9
    @arpie thank you! I managed to gently do the exercises - the underarm stretches and all good. The numbness feels strange! Like it's asleep! All ok. Thank you for getting back to me with your advice. Much appreciated. Seeing surgeon Tuesday. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    That's good, @Erika888 - make haste slowly!  ;) 

    Maybe even try doing the exercises in the shower, too, as hot water may help free it up too  ...  I used to do my shoulder exercises in the shower (after I had surgery) & it really helped get my range of movement back. ;)

    The numbness can last for months, sadly  :(  
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 982
    Hi @Erika888. Like Arpie said I found doing the exercises in the shower helped. Though I did get some cording which the physiotherapist helped fix that came about mostly because of arthritic shoulders etc. still have restrictions with that but the cording has gone. As for the numbness I did get quite a good area of feeling back accept around the lymph scar line under the arm and around the area where  the skin was removed (tumour was attached to my skin.). The surgeon did a clever patchwork on that area. It was hardest doing the exercises during radiation (6 weeks worth). But i got there in the end  I had Chemo then surgery then radiatIon. 
    Massage doesn’t hurt either. Because of the order of my treatment I had to smother myself with cream between Radiation sessions which became a gentle massage session anyway. And still do it today nearly 8 years on. 
    Hope its all good with your appointment Tuesday 
  • sunrise_sunset
    sunrise_sunset Member Posts: 23
    Hi @Erika888, you've had some great advice already and I agree with it. I am 5 weeks post lumpectomy surgery this week and just starting chemo. I also had 3 nodes removed under my arm and the subsequent numbness and cording as a result due to how deep the surgeon had to cut them out. I have a specialist physiotherapist who helps me with the cording and massing my arm, giving me exercises. I have found that I have been progressively able to do a bit more as time goes on. I still have numb patches and am expecting that to take time. Give your body the time it needs, it is still early days.