Newly diagnosed

kerasia1 Member Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Newly diagnosed
Hi everyone, so relieved I’ve found somewhere I can share with others who are living the same experience. I was diagnosed, 4 days ago. 33 years old. I had my CT and bone scan done Thursday and I was advised yesterday that there was no spread (despite it being an aggressive cancer) - a silver lining in what only can be described as the most traumatic experience. Visiting my breast surgeon again Monday, undoubtedly to discuss the plan moving forward and my ultrasound guided clip insertion Tuesday. Just needed somewhere to vent, meet people who are going through the same thing and hopefully find some comfort and support, as well as provide the same to you all x


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    So sorry to hear you've joined our exclusive little club @kerasia1.  Feel free to ask ANY questions of us, as There are NO dumb questions.    We've 'been there, done that' so know how you are feeling just now.  

    It is a roller coaster of emotions for sure - so feeling sad, even confused, is totally normal as it has happened to most of us at one stage or another - so don't be afraid to 'let it all out' .... it can be quite cathartic to even have a big SCREAM now & then, probably in the safety of your car, away from other people tho!  ;)   

    And don't forget to ring our helpline on 1800 500 258 to have a chat with our Mods if you'd like a real person to 'chat with' ... Mon-Fri, 9-5 work hours.

    Having a trusted friend or relative with you at all your early appointments as a 2nd set of ears & physical support -  & even consider recording the appointments on your phone, as it is almost impossible to remember everything that is said at the time. 

    In the mean time, try & keep yourself as busy as you can, doing things you love doing (I basically went fishing in my kayak every day between initial scans/biopsy & the actual diagnosis!)  .... Maybe, consider cooking up some meals & freezing them, making it easier for after you do have your surgery.

    Also, check out this post for lots of 'general' info on the forum that you may like to check out! (Even some funny bits, as we all need a laugh xx)  You can show off your garden, your fur-kids, your art & craft ..... or start a new thread, with your favourite hobby!  ;)   There are some tips on what to take to hospital too.
    At the bottom of the post are some Tick Sheet PDFs that you can print off & fill in, to follow your physical and mental health .... that you can take along with you & show your team, if you need xx

    You may also like to check out the podcasts by Charlotte Tottman - as she is a specialist BC Counsellor who was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 4-5 years ago. She's had a double mastectomy, stayed flat and KNOWS what we've all gone thru!  She was surprised too, at the emotions she went thru herself, as they were different from what she'd 'thought they were' when she was counseling women prior to her own diagnosis.  So she 'gets it'.   They are very easy listening too. xx
    Go to this link, click on the 'list' (it should show 22 tracks) and start off with No 13 (the first one of Series 1) and work your way thru them. tottman

    Take one step at a time, one day at a time, one hour at a time, if needed xx.  And make sure you stay away from Dr Google, as a lot of it is outdated & not relevant to your own diagnosis ... and will only confuse you.   Ask important questions of your team (and/or you Breast Care Nurse, when you are connected with one) or us - those that have actually been thru it all x

    All the best for your appointment with your surgeon on Monday & your surgery plan ... terrific that there has been no spread.  Once you have your surgery & pathology back you'll know the full plan too - I know that I felt very relieved as soon as I woke up after the surgery, knowing that it was just 'GORN'!  

    Take care xx

  • senjakala
    senjakala Member Posts: 6
    Hi Kerasia, I am so sorry to hear that. 
    We are in same age. I just diagnosed last month and just started my chemo two days ago.
    My BC quite big and some of my lymph nodes has been affected. But fortunately the pet scan showed that they are only on my left breast. No sign in other organ too.
    However, my surgeon still suggest me having (at least single) mastectomy due to my cancer size.

    Let's fight together Kerasia. I hope the best things for you Kerasia. Good luck with whatever treatment you choose.
  • kiwisandy
    kiwisandy Member Posts: 11
    Hi kerasia1

    Sorry to see you on here, but happy you’ve come to a great place for info and support. You’re certainly not alone on your journey.

    I was diagnosed with a 10cm invasive lobular carcinoma also in lymph nodes and neck, three weeks ago and was stuck in the same whirlwind of tests, scans, clips, biopsies etc. it was a hellish roller coaster but will come to an end. Met oncologist yesterday and had most of my hair cut off in prep for chemo next week. Such a crazy time talking about chemo, mastectomy and radiation!

    My advice is to stop and breathe, if you love nature go somewhere quiet for an hour, just for you. Cry, scream or just breathe. One day or even one appointment at a time is enough to get through.

    Be kind to you and ask for help from friends and family if you can.

    All the best, I hope your treatment goes well x