Knowing that we are all different but travelling similar paths, I would like to ask if anyone out there has had any similar experience to what I am having at the moment. I have just had my 2yr mammogram and am due to see oncologist in 2 weeks, but over the last 3-4 months I have noticed a change in the breast that I had…
First Radiation appointment
I went along yesterday to Royal Brisbane Hospital yesterday after work for the first "Planning" appointment for radiation. A
Very excited!!
Well girls After the session we listened to delivered by Fiona Jones when we were at our training together, about the rose garden in the local park (instead of the cardboard cut outs) .... I had a thought... and can now tell you that in December 2011 there will be an opening of the Launceston BCNA Rose Garden bed in…
'Mammographic Density' meeting report
WHY STUDY MAMMOGRAPHIC DENSITY? Report for BCNA “Why Study Mammographic Density? A Plan for Future Research and Action” was the title of the satellite meeting held in conjunction with the “Familial Aspects of Cancer” meeting held at Mantra, Kingscliff, NSW in August 2010. About 150 people attended this very interesting…
Ready for therapy
Hi All, I'm preparinig to start radiotherapy on Thursday and I'm looking forward to the good burn! High grade DCIS diagnosed from WLE surgery and I'm getting on with it. I have struggled with endometriosis most of my menstral life and I am finding this dibiltating chronic disease has prepared me well for BC - has anyone…
great day
We had a great day at the'Tesselaar's Tulip Festival'. The sun was out and we had our BCNA stall in full swing. We had many ladies stop and talk to us. It is agreat way to get the word out.We will be there again next week.So if you see us please come and have a chat.Thanks also to Tesselaar for having us for the 4 fridays…
Busy me
Hi All I have been extremely busy since the training. I have had stories in three local newspapers, got to meet Shane & Gary on the "That's What I'm Walkn' About" trek and also ended up on the package in the footy show on the thursday night when Shane arrived. WOW!!! It's amazing what you can do with the right tools and…
My Journey
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008. My husband had passed away in April I found the lump in October, I live on my own and was devasted, how could this happen, I had a lumpectomy, and thought thats that,wrong radiation followed, how to get there, I don,t drive, my family don,t live close, pallative care came to the…
Try again
My blog post has been lost. I am sending a new blog to see if we can find out whats going on.This time no preview used. May be it's me that is doing things wrong.
Two steps forward, three steps back...
I enjoyed a great week last week. I finished taking the first course of steroids for the flare of arthritis I had been experiencing (brought on by the stress my body was under during chemo treatment and surgery). I was enjoying the warm weather, pottering around my little garden, got the filing done, finished cleaning out…
My Journey
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008. My husband had passed away in the April and I found the lump in October. I live on my own and was devasted, how could this happen. I have had a lumpectomy, and thought thats that, wrong - radiation followed, how to get there, I don't drive, my family don't live close, pallative…
What to say
Recently diagnosed with early breast cancer. Lots of tests and 2 operations later (complete left masectomy) I am told it hasn't spread and isn't in my lymph nodes. Hooray for small mercies. I am told I am young (which I like) 44yo. Not sure where to from here. I have enrolled for the encore program in my area and look…
Experiencing grief and loss
After attending the 2nd National Young women with Breast Cancer Conference last weekend...it was a real eye opener as to how all these feelings of loss, angry, feeling down, anxious are quite normal...I also think there is a real grief and loss period as well...loss of the breast or part of, loss of your hair, loss of the…
Moving Moment
Watched the Footy Show with Shane Crawford today and was so moved. Brought back some memories of my experiences and makes me so thankfull for all the people who do these fundraisers that raise awareness of breast cancer and raise the money that makes all the difference for all us who have had to walk this road. We never…
Hi Everyone I have recently had a mastectomy and lat dorsi reconstruction after being diagnosed with a 2.2cm invasive ductal tumour (and DCIS). I previously had a mastectomy on the other side back in 2003 thanks to another lot of DCIS (at age 35). I have my first visit to the oncologist this afternoon. My surgeon has told…