Forum Discussion

benellendan's avatar
15 years ago

Two steps forward, three steps back...

I enjoyed a great week last week.  I finished taking the first course of steroids for the flare of arthritis I had been experiencing (brought on by the stress my body was under during chemo treatment and surgery).  I was enjoying the warm weather, pottering around my little garden, got the filing done, finished cleaning out the cupboards and re-stacking the laundry/linen cupboard - normal things.  I felt great - the best I've felt in 4 months.


Today I'm feeling blah again.  The arthritic flare is returning and I'm tired, sore and cranky.  It looks like another regime of steroid treatment again.  My family are great - patient, caring and helpful and everyone was feeling cautiously optimistic.  But breast cancer is deceptive and my strength is dependant on rest and relaxation.


I have to remember my life will never be the same again since last November and that while I continue to heal, I'm not in total control of my body and what it's doing to 'fix' itself.  My husband reminds me daily not to 'over do' things - or I'll pay the price later.  I look forward to the day when I can look back on these posts and recognise it was hard while I was going through it, but so glad that season is over!  

  • If there is one thing i have learnt from all this, is that the chores will still be there, and i am not so worried about getting it all done in a day, so maybe you should be putting your feet up, and only doing a little bit at a time, our body tells us when its had enough, and i've learnt not to push, hope your feeling better today,  so feet up and enjoy a cuppa, or better still a big block of chocolate.

  • I like the chocolate idea!  I'm actually taking it easy today.  I found out yesterday when my GP called me with my blood test results that I have ANOTHER thing to worry about/sort out.  It appears my thyroid is also underactive and causing havoc.  Apparently it's fairly common with breast cancer treatment to get 'clusters' of organs who begin to fail or get knocked out of whack.  The good news is that my liver issues have cleared up and my cholesterol, blood sugar levels and blood pressure are back to normal.  However inflammation is still high and thyroid not performing very well so I have to have another course of steroid treatment and another blood test in one month to see how things are going.  You're right, I need to take it easy and continue to rest.  Still, I find hope in thinking about those few days when I felt so good - they'll come back I know it - I just have to keep looking after myself:)