Changes 2
Well Ive seen the Oncologist for my 2 year check and the change that i spoke of in my last blog appears to need further investigation so off for an ultrasound and possible biopsy I go, not happy, but thats life, just have to keep going. Heres hoping that there is nothing there and its just changes from the original…
It's a Goer/Fitter
Hi girls, I'm really excited - I got the pink tutu to fit. Where there's a will there's a way. Instead of pulling it up - it now goes over the head minus the gusset. What fun to put all the tuille back in place. I had a "trial" - tutu, pink wig, pink tights (all bright pink) and ballet shoes. Of course the BCNA vest and…
disappointment :(
Hi Girls, Well I'm feeling pretty shattered at the moment I had arranged my first mini field/and information stand for next weekend at our local home and leisure show-They have just cancelled it due to lack of community support. :( You are all doing some unbelievable and wonderful things in your community and I feel like…
Hormones R Hopping
Hello, This morning I attended an information session run by BreaCan called ‘Hormones R Hopping’ (a lively title for what turned out to be a lively and informative session!). Christine Houlihan, an endocrinologist from Austin Health and Mercy Hospital for Women in Melbourne gave a great talk about the role of hormones and…
Positive Thoughts thru the Universe to you
To all those women who have recently been diagonsed and soon to have an operation, We send to you all our LOVE, Prayers, Best Wishes, Positive vibes and LOVE. Breathe in deeply ladies... thinking of you and sending you our best of everything, We'll still be here when you get home Love always
no sweat!!
hi, i finished my chemo in march and started tamoxafen the following week, lately i have noticed when i am at the gym or mopping the floor, i don't sweat like i used to, both my arms and legs feel really hot and itchy, has anyone else had this sensation and does it pass? kathy
Let there be light
Good morning...I dont really know where to start. I was diagnosed with Breast cancer on Tuesday this week after the usual test of ultrasound,mammogram and FNA. I have my appoinment with the Breast surgeon today which has been like a lifetime of sleeplessness and an endless internal dialogue of the what ifs.... The…
my story started approx 1 year ago whereby after having a bilateral breast reduction at the age of 39 at the end of August 2009, I was dignosed with DCIS in my right breast. to say I was shocked was an understatement, my mind was in turmole. I didnt even know what DCIS stood for or what it was let alone how it was related…
The Start of my Journey
March 15th 2010. This date I will never forget. This is the day that I had my very first mammogram and Ultra sound, leaving the surgery with the technician saying, I'm sorry I have found numerous masses. I got to my car, and cried. "I knew then, that I had cancer" This was not a shock. Deep down I thought I did. I had a…
Hello there
Well, hello there. Is anyone there? I feel like I am a pea sized body rocking around in a tin...hoping for someone, anyone to hear me. This is Post 1. I hope to write others but I don't know. It has been a long year and I have felt pretty bad for most of it. Here is me, in short: Diagnosis, May DCIS and invasive cancer in…
My BC Journey
Here is my story...... I found a lump and went to my GP, she said "wow that is big" (not real reassuring) and thought I should have a mammo and biopsy. As this can not be done in the town where I live, she referred me to Townsville. I am still at this stage thinking it is nothing to worry about, but should get it checked…
Ductal carcinoma in sutu
Is there anybody out there with the same thing? I feel kinda lonely....
Tamoxifen and menopause help!
Hi, is anyone in the same boat?...I am taking Tamoxifen (for premenopausal women) as my BC was hormone receptor positive and my periods stopped only when i started having chemo. They havent come back yet (20 months later) and although I have menopausal symptoms, I have no idea whether I've permanently gone through…
It has happened
Hi girls, It took a while but today my story is in the local paper. I haven't seen it yet but I have had some phone calls about how big the article is. Yeh just in time whilst BCNA is receiving great reviews about Shane Crawford's walk. Things are starting to progress!XLeonie
Looking back
The op for lumpectomy was pretty reasonable - except it had to be done twice. The margins were not clear first time so back I went for a second time. Healed up well.