Hi Karen
It doesn't matte what we do - every little bit helps. I have had some response from my article in the paper. I am going to be guest speaker at the Emu Park, coastal town about 45 minutes away, RSL Mini Field of Women Morning Tea on 25th October. I am so looking forward to my first talk. I just hope I don't talk too much. It's funny, when I told the girls at work, because I was really excited to be asked, I could see "green eyed monsters". Silly buggers all I'm trying to do is get the message out there for all "us girls". They are not too bad (going to have a morning tea in October to raise some funds) but I won't miss the bull.....when I retire next year. Keep on trying from your end - it will happen.XLeonie PS We are decorating the dental clinic reception area in pink and all the girls are wearing pink shirts each day for October.