Hi Shirl,
Boy didn't I get a shock when I read the paper. My photo was really big and the story was the main feature of the page. It took up more than half the page. My husband gets the paper on his way to work so at 6.30am this morning he got a huge surprise to see moi looking at him......Did you put your mobile contact number in with your article?? I thought that was part and parcel of it. My husband thinks I'll get crank, weirdo calls!!!!!!!!So bloody protective. The phone hasn't rung once yet. I am very excited about having the mini field of women on 23rd October. We all celebrate October at work by decorating the office - lots of patients etc come through so it's good publicity. My friend Terri is going to Melb for the Sept training. She is a nurse at the hospital so we hope to do quite a bit of publicity for BCNA especially in October. Keep chatting - I love to see all the comments.XLeonie