Yay, here I am at the end of my second four week chemo cycle. I can now think clearly, I don't look like elephant woman, I can sleep and food is tasting better. I'm not complaining, it's a lot better than spewing day after day but what strange things the steriods & chemo does to us. I'm guessing it's fluid retention…
Hi, I would really love to hear from anyone who has had a Tramflap reconstruction. Is it worth all the pain and stress????
Hi, I have stage 2 invasive, grade 3 her+ er+ carcinoma & had a mastectomy & lat dorsi reconstruction in March this year. I have one more chemo to go...joy! & then continue on with Herceptin for the usual 12months. My question to you knowing, wise women is do I give in to my fear & have my other breast removed? I can't…
my journey
I knew I had a lump but doctors tested me both mamo/ultra and said it was a thickening of the tissue and of no concern my pet cat however kept pushing on the lump on my left breast and it hurt so back to doctors this time correctly diagnosed oct 2007 stg 3 grade 3, 3.5cm tumour left breast 12/25 lymph nodes positive…
has anybody hints on how to get rid of seromas? my first seroma (post mastectomy) took 5 months to go (inspite of aspiration x 2, brilliant weekly physio/massage, bandaging) after getting my mastectomy scar re-stitched, I developed another seroma. being aspirated again and doing my Encore exercises and self massage to…
I'm there!
Hi girls, I'm off to the Gold Coast as well as Tanya! I'm looking forward to this conference being more about the issues of Breast Cancer and us "younger" women. I was 37 (3 yrs ago) when I was diagnosed and there are many issues surrounding this age group that are in desparate need of addressing. Eg. Children, Working,…
'Rare cancer' research
The BCNA Policy Team was interested to learn recently about a new online database (Cart-Wheel) that is collecting information to help researchers who are studying rare cancers. While breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, some types of breast cancers are not very common and so have been added to the list of rare…
Help! Menopausal dermatitis
Since having my ovaries removed, arimidex and tamoxifen, my skin has erupted in all over body ezcema. a dermatologist suggested it was oestogen related, a claim dismissed by the "god of menopause" Professor John Eden. B4 breast cancer, my skin was beautifully smooth, not dry and tough as leather. I recently donated blood…
re-stitching mastectomy scar
The stitches on my mastectomy scar haven't dissolved, 13 months later. I'm having to be re-cut and sewn back together with different sutre and smaller stitches, hoping it will heal 2nd time around Thursday @ Westmead Private Hospital Dr James French trained under Prof Owen Ung - my initial surgeon. The oncologist wasn't…
Hi, I have recently had a lumpectomy and the sentinel node removed. I am however having trouble under my arm from the friction and it's getting quite sore. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and how did they deal with it? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
What's happening
Hi everyone, I hope you dont think I'm mean doing things this way, I just thought this time around it would be easier for everyone to keep updated and then I can get back to everyone at a more natural pace. By this time around, I mean more surgery. I went to the hospital today for my check up and to get results and got the…
Radiation Treatment
I have had an operation to remove my cancer lump and next it is onto radiation treatment. I have heard there are side effects and would love to hear from anyone who has had it recently and people who had radiation treatment years ago.
Tamoxifen - to do or not to do? that is the question
I'm 33 and was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer in February this year, I had a sentinel node biopsy & lumpectomy (or is that the same thing?)..anywho..the lump was 11mm, grade 2 and HER oestrogen positive. I'm currently on a three month course of chemotherapy (and having a blast with all the different head gear to…
Femur Stablizing
Today is day 5 of being in hospital after having surgery to have a nail put in my femur to stablize a bone met that had compromised the weight bearing ability of my leg bone. Surgery was about 3 hours, and got back to my room in agony. To top it off, my femur had cracked in the 10 days it took to get me into the hospital.…