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Shaz66 Member Posts: 21

Yay, here I am at the end of my second four week chemo cycle.  I can now think clearly, I don't look like elephant woman, I can sleep and food is tasting better.  I'm not complaining, it's a lot better than spewing day after day but what strange things the steriods & chemo does to us.  I'm guessing it's fluid retention causing all these strange things but even my doc hasn't confirmed that.  The first time I took a steroid and couldn't sleep I was rather distressed because I had to drive 130kms the next day to my treatment on no sleep but...........I was rocking the next day!  What is this drug???  The next night I decided not to waste another moment counting sheep and got heaps of 'fun' stuff done.  Digital scrapbooking till the eyes can't take it anymore!!!!!  Then maybe I will do some housework.  How funny is it when you email a friend at 4-30am in the morning, what a response I got :-)  Never in my life have I missed out on important sleep and not had to pay for it days later, craziest drug, why would people take it voluntarily?  I love my food and everything tastes like chicken broth.......everything........we had the hottest snags the other night, I had no idea what I was feeding everyone, they tasted pretty good to me but when the water tank was just about drained and the faces around me were burning I knew i had discovered a very hot spicy sausage :-) needless to say I finished my meal whilst all around me struggled a lot.
But, now I get 2 weeks off and hopefully the face won't sag too much before it goes back into shape and food will start to taste better and I will enjoy the bubbles in a drink again and I won't have my 'precious moments' on Saturdays and Sundays like I seem to get (lucky the family are familiar with these times now) but again.....I am thankful that I can still function day to day normally and am not laying at home having to rest because I am feeling sick and tired.
And.......I still have my hair!!!!!  On my head.  The icecaps are working!!!!!!



  • Linda Nadort
    Linda Nadort Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2015
    They are wonderful aren't they!

    I am fortunate that they have tried to avoid them with me, but the times I have taken steroids my Girls tell me I am "Hyper" - talk quickly and everything has to be done yesterday.

    My eldest even has the audacity to tell me that I am not sane when I take them.

    The Chemo I am taking at present does not require steroids which is great.

    Weight gain has been a problem for me on chemo. Oral Chemo has been the only one I have not gained weight and in fact lost 5 kg.

    At present I have lost 2/3 of my hair and it has stopped falling out. It looks silly but I am waiting to see what the next dose will do.

    Take care and at least we have an excuse for weight gain, hair loss and the like.

    Most middle aged people gain weight and Men lose hair. They generally have no excuse for this - but we do.

    Oh to Chemo & Steroids

    Take care
  • Shaz66
    Shaz66 Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2015

    Ha ha here I am again, the first day of steroids and I am bright eyed and bushy tailed in the middle of the night and no one to play with but my lappy :-)  Least its peaceful as I have had a very packed 2 weeks off chemo & its a good chance to catch up on correspondence.  It was a great 2 weeks but by the end of it I was bushed.  Kinda good to know that the pep up pills are on there way again............ yes, I think I am actually going crazy on these things when I look forward to them he he he he. Not looking forward to the fluid retention or lack of taste buds, or foggy head though, oh well, like I keep saying "I aint spewing'

    Every treatment is different isn't it?  I haven't heard of the ice to keep the nails.  I have a wig in case my ice didn't work but to lose your nails wouldn't be much fun.  Mine are getting tender and a bit weak but not losing them......yet.

    I wear an icepack, 4 of them over a two hour period whilst having my chemo.  They have really worked because.......well......all other hair is GONE!  Yes, all gone!!!!  I suppose you know that, but I get the funniest questions when people want to know.........if it all goes.......funny as.  My hair is a bit yukky but not too bad.  I have curly hair and it is starting to look thinner, but I haven't found any hair anywhere so I think it is straightening a little.  I lost my hair 8 yrs ago with my first treatment but there was no mention of icepacks, so it's either new or only works with this treatment, really not sure, will have to ask.  Don't like asking too many questions, sometimes I get answers I don't like :-)

    I got a rude shock when I hopped on the scales too, thanx to your comment on weight gain I jumped on.  I had lost 9 kgs earlier in the year to get to a nice weight on a natural treatment that I am on and then since being on this treatment I put 4 back on.  How it can go back on so quickly.  I keep trying to tell myself that it is the least of my problems but deep down sadly it does add to the burden doesn't it??  So, the chocs have been put away for the time being and the cakes and the bread and the ............... oh the salad is ok for a while but I'm gonna get sick of it......again.

    Look after yourself too, great to chat!
