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re-stitching mastectomy scar

Member Posts: 10
The stitches on my mastectomy scar haven't dissolved, 13 months later. I'm having to be re-cut and sewn back together with different sutre and smaller stitches, hoping it will heal 2nd time around Thursday @ Westmead Private Hospital
Dr James French trained under Prof Owen Ung - my initial surgeon.
The oncologist wasn't great news either, there's a small possibility that i'm not metabolising the Tamoxifen as I haven't had the hot flushes.
CYP2D6 test will cost $180 to find out.
Hi creativeenergies
Just read your post. It is dissapointing that you have to be restiched! But wanted to add I have never had a "hot flush" and I am definately menopausal! and have been since chemo (36 years old).
My oncologist gives me blood tests every three months (tests hormone levels, not Tamoxifen metabolism), cause like you I did not have the classis symptoms like the hot flushes etc.
So it may not be bad news, everyone is different. Ask you oncologist if there is some way that this test can be subsidised? I believe it is quite a new test and is only just available in Australia.