I wish I'd felt me tits
Hello all, I recently was the guest speaker at a relay for life. I found a Pam Ayres poem called " I wish I'd looked after my tits", presented this then made one of my own in a similar style describing my journey. Here it is; I wish I'd felt me tits When they are poked, positioned prodded and squashed A mammogram taken and…
Looking up
11 months since diagnosis and I'm starting to feel my old self again (except for the mono-boob look that is...) My hair is a trendy short crop, my nails have grown back and I'm exercising regularly again. Things are looking up!!
Radiation update
Hi Lynx, I am halfway through now and had some issues in week 2 with small burn spots coming up, the breast nurse gave me a cream Solugel that didn't seem to work for me. I found a burns cream at my local chemist Flamigel and that worked better for me, so much so that by the end of last week the radiotherapist commented on…
Deciding to stop treatment
Less than 8 weeks ago, my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, with secondaries in the liver and brain (leptomeningeal metastases). It sounds cliche, but we (the family and my mother) never expected such a diagnoses. Mum had regular mammograms. She had been sick for a few months prior and went to numerous GPs…
One Year Anniversary Update
I wanted to say a big thank you to those who wished me well with regard to my one year anniversary tests last week. I got the results back today and all is GOOD. No signs of cancer anywhere. I was relieved and sent a silent "thank you" to God when I got in the car after reading the results. I don't mind saying that I was…
Radiation therapy- help!
I am in my final week of radiation therapy. I have been having therapy for the last 6 weeks, after I have had a hysterectomy and an imeediate reconstruction. I am suffering severe pain as my implant is extremely sore. Is there any one that has experienced a similar situation? And if so, what can I do about it?
Countdown to Mastectomy
Well I have started the countdown to my double mastectomy! Is on 23rd July and have worked out that tonight is 12 sleeps to go! Feel like a kid counting down to Christmas although know that the outcome will not be quite the same!! Although in some ways I feel like I have received the biggest present I could have - the…
2 years and smiling
Last thursday I had my 6 month check up with my oncologist. It is 2 years since I was diagnosed with mets in my liver and spine. There is now only 1 of each instead of the 2 I was first diagnosed with and these have both shrunk dramatically. My scans will now occur annually, this is the most exciting aspect as my doc is…
First Chemo
Hi Everyone, Well I had my first chemo last Wednesday and it all went pretty smoothly. They used a vein in the back on my hand, which I was really happy about as they can sometimes have problems finding the ones in my arm! When they took the IV out I had quite a lot of swelling at the site??? Not sure if that's normal or…
Couple of Questions
HI all, well I am hoping there is an answer out there somewhere please, I have been told I have to use aluminium free deodarnt from now on for which I have purchsed the crystal one, but I dont feel it works, is there a good one out there that someone can recommend ?? Thanks for this Sue
Some Advice Please
Hi All, Have been offline, but am now back. Wasn't feeling the best; mainly emotionally so had to get myself together again! Have to make the decision on whether or not to participate in drug trial using Arimidex - have done some investigating online but don't seem to get right down to the "nitty gritty" of side effects…
Tired and sad
Have been feeling very sore, tired and flat since hearing the great news that I am cancer free. Very teary. I spoke to a counsellor at the Caner Council yesterday who said I am being normal. Since I have had a big shock. I feel much better today - no tears.
Flip side
Well I'll talk to all you lovely ladies post surgery. Thankyou so much, I have a much more positive attitude this afternoon after reading everyones inspiring stories. I think I'll recommend to my GP surgery that they should advise newly diagnosed women to make use of this wonderful site. I think it will help me enormously…
I'm Back!!!
Hi Everyone... Did you all miss me? Operation (mastectomy & axillary clearance of right breast) went well on Friday AM. I went home from hospital sunday (yesterday). I have to wait until thursday to to find out if all clear or not. I have no pain except for the blisters from the dressings. But I'm getting there. Sick to…
6 down 2 to go
6 down 2 to go. 2 to go. 2 to go. I should feel better but I don't. I just want it all over. At least the FET isn't as bad as the taxitare. Its hard being nautious all the time. I cant sleep or lie down during the day because it makes me sick. So, to pass the time of day I made a set of drapes for my daughters room for…