Forum Discussion

joleeh5's avatar
15 years ago

Flip side

Well I'll talk to all you lovely ladies post surgery.

Thankyou so much, I have a much more positive attitude this afternoon after reading everyones inspiring stories. I think I'll recommend to my GP surgery that they should advise newly diagnosed women to make use of this wonderful site. I think it will help me enormously to go into my surgery with this newly found sense of hope and positivity.

Cheers and Lots of Love Jo xoxoxoxo

  • Hi Jo and welcome to the site.  It is a wonderful "place" where we can all support each other.  Just after my surgery (4 year anniversary now) I went to an information session.  What inspired me most was a lady who spoke about being diagnosed 20 years ago.  Her name was Marnie and I will never forget her and her words gave me encouragement and hope.  This was at the time Belinda Emert passed away so I needed all the positives I could get.  The media aren't always the best people to give out "good stuff".  Good luck with your surgery and your recovery and you know that we will be waiting to support you on your return.  (I likened it to having my first baby - others before had done it so I could too. Sending you lots of love XLeonie

  • hi Jo, good luck and look forward to hearing how you go with your treatment, i have managed to get our local doctors to have a demo of the My Journey Kit, and the Hopes and Hurdles kit from bcna in their Surgery, so that when they find a woman has bc, they can lead them this way, so here's hoping it works, i will certainly be following it up with them. please keep in touch Regards Moira

  • Hi Moira, I will definately keep in touch..I am starting to feel more strongly about having the My journey kit available at the time of diagnosis in the GP surgery. I have seen other peoples comment on here that leads me to beleive that they to suffered like I did from my own imagination as I was given no information. Just told to write down questions for my appointment with the surgeon which was a week away...a million years to me. The only thing that got me through was this site and the wonderful women that are so giving and share their stories.

    Who would I contact about getting some supplies so that I can approach my Medical centre?

    good luck also I saw that you now have another battle ahead of you, so thankyou for still being so giving to us here.

    Cheers Jo xox


  • hi Jo

    sorry its taken me a while to get back, but running back and forward to Adelaide, and have just finished a week of organising a mini field of women in our town, which went really great, it was really well recieved. you can get the mu journey kit and hopes and hurdles into your doctors surgery, by calling bcna, or the surgeries can call themselves, that way they are on the system, and will recieve the beacon magazine as well every 3 months, which is well worth it. look forward to keeping in contact, bvy the way your profile photo is a lovely happy photo, please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing