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Alice's avatar
15 years ago

I wish I'd felt me tits

Hello all, I recently was the guest speaker at a relay for life. I found a Pam Ayres poem called " I wish I'd looked after my tits", presented this then made one of my own in a similar style describing my journey.

Here it is; I wish I'd felt me tits

When they are poked, positioned prodded and squashed

A mammogram taken and all hope is lost

It’s too late then to count the costs

I wish I had felt me tits


Next step is the surgeon that you must see

He recommends node clearance and lumpectomy

My eyes are now blurry It cannot be

Oh I wish Id felt me tits


His work completed I look with a frown

How can I wear that gorgeous new gown

When they are now uneven one up and one down

Oh I wish I’d felt me tits


With picc line inserted and chemo to follow

You begin to wonder and sometimes feel hollow

What is the outcome what sort of tomorrow

Oh I wish I’d felt me tits


Your hair falls out your suddenly bald

Watch out in the shower you do not scald

On with the hat permanently installed

Oh I wish I’d felt me tits


The next step in the process you must know

Is radiotherapy, how much will they glow

I hope it’s not a tale of woe

Oh I wish I’d felt me tits


I’ve twisted and turned, with the Spanish Dancer

The start of a battle with dear old cancer

Who can tell what will be the answer

Oh I wished I’d felt me tits

I do hope you are all travelling well.

Cheers Marion



















1 Reply

  • i like your little poem, and its so true, but with a little bit of humour, which gets through to people how important it is to check ourselves often, so well done Marion. Regards Moira