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louiseg's avatar
15 years ago

First Chemo

Hi Everyone,

Well I had my first chemo last Wednesday and it all went pretty smoothly.  They used a vein in the back on my hand, which I was really happy about as they can sometimes have problems finding the ones in my arm!  When they took the IV out I had quite a lot of swelling at the site???  Not sure if that's normal or not???  It went down with an icepack and now I have a lovely technicolour bruise on the back of my hand!

The first day or so I felt like I had a bit of a hangover....felt a bit seedy and really tired.  I got a funny taste in my mouth too....more like the feeling that my tongue had a coating of oil on it and I couldn't really taste anything!  Really dry mouth at first too. My biggest worry was the constipation!  I think I was so worried about not being able to go that I probably created more of a problem than I really had!  Talk about OD'ing on prunes, baked beans, metamucil tablets, and laxatives!  Nothing seemed to work until yesterday (4 days after!!)

Today I still feel really tired but I am starting back at work (I work from home so not too bad :) should be able to get a rest at some point!).  I've got a bit of a sore tummy but my taste is coming back (I think!?).  My throat is a bit sore but may try gargling some stuff later to try to clear that up a bit.

Anyway, who knows what is normal?  I just thought I would write down how I have been feeling in case it helps someone else :)

Louise x

  • Louise, I really like reading your blog. You are quite brave and see the funny side . Well done on your first chemo visit. I have avoided chemo so far and hope it stays that way.  Your recon sounds good - but this is your second time around with BC so has you now had both sides done?

    I am half way through radiation and getting very pink and itchy. My problems are nothing compared to what you are enduring - and with such a great spirit! 

  • Hi Lyn

    I figure if I can't see the funny side of things then I'll go insane!!  It helps to keep me positive too :)

    Yes, I have had both sides done - after the first mastectomy in 2003 I had a tram flap reconstruction (delayed due to an anaphylactic reaction to the blue dye!) and this time I have had a lattimus dorsi reconstruction (done at the same time as the mastectomy).  My only problem now is that the new one is perkier than the old one!!  Ha Ha Ha, all my friends will be so jealous when theirs start heading south and mine still stand up by themselves :) 

    I will still need to have the expander replaced with a permanent prosthesis early next year (after chemo) and then the nipple reconstruction and tattooing (yay, more tats that no-one but my hubbie will see!).  Can't wait for it all to be over but so far it hasn't been too bad.

    Good luck with the rest of your radiation treatment....I was lucky enough to avoid that both times, which is great.

    Take care,


  • Hi Louise,

    Thankyou for sharing..I have a little under 3 weeks till I start so any info I can get to make it easier is GOLD. I will be interested in how you tackle the hair falling out and when it happens. Sounds as if removing it about 2 weeksafter the first dose works. Thanks for the info on the wigs.

    Keep us posted.

    Cheers Jo xoxo

  • Hi Louise,

    Thankyou for sharing..I have a little under 3 weeks till I start so any info I can get to make it easier is GOLD. I will be interested in how you tackle the hair falling out and when it happens. Sounds as if removing it about 2 weeksafter the first dose works. Thanks for the info on the wigs.

    Keep us posted.

    Cheers Jo xoxo

  • Hi Jo

    That is one part of the process that I am dreading!!  I am planning on getting my two boys (13 & 15) to cut my hair off this weekend (if I don't chicken out!!).  My 15yr old is really worried about me losing my hair and I thought that by getting them involved in the process, it may make it easier for them.  I have got the wigs ready to go so I figure that they can give me a buzz cut and then I'll start wearing the wigs.  It may be a few days early but I will probably lose it sometime next week anyway so it will stop the mess of losing it in the shower or bed or something!  All good in I just need the courage to let them do it!!  Oh well, it's all good fun for them being able to shave Mum's head!!! LOL

  • Wow at the risk of repeating whats already been are brave.

    I got my hair cut short today..the shortest its ever been..I thought i may as well try something I wouldnt normally seeing as I only have to live with it for 5 weeks haha...

    Good luck with the shaving ceremony...I loved what emma said that your hair falling out means the chemo is working. I will chant this to myself over and over haha...they reckon its less traumatic if you just get it over with instead of stressing everyday that you are losing it...and lets face it we want the chemo to work so we have to lose our hair...We will justify everything to make it a

  • Wow at the risk of repeating whats already been are brave.

    I got my hair cut short today..the shortest its ever been..I thought i may as well try something I wouldnt normally seeing as I only have to live with it for 5 weeks haha...

    Good luck with the shaving ceremony...I loved what emma said that your hair falling out means the chemo is working. I will chant this to myself over and over haha...they reckon its less traumatic if you just get it over with instead of stressing everyday that you are losing it...and lets face it we want the chemo to work so we have to lose our hair...We will justify everything to make it a

  • Thanks for the advice about the nails Tanya - someone said to paint them with a dark coloured nail polish and that was supposed to protect them??  I don't know how though!  I will have a look for the Dr Lewins revitanail - it's worth a go :)

    Had a good laugh about your friend with the mohawk!  I don't think I'll go that far but with my hair in the hands of my boys, who knows what sort of haircut I will end up with LOL.

    I'll try to come back to this post next week and let you know how we went!

    Louise x