First Chemo
Hi Everyone,
Well I had my first chemo last Wednesday and it all went pretty smoothly. They used a vein in the back on my hand, which I was really happy about as they can sometimes have problems finding the ones in my arm! When they took the IV out I had quite a lot of swelling at the site??? Not sure if that's normal or not??? It went down with an icepack and now I have a lovely technicolour bruise on the back of my hand!
The first day or so I felt like I had a bit of a hangover....felt a bit seedy and really tired. I got a funny taste in my mouth too....more like the feeling that my tongue had a coating of oil on it and I couldn't really taste anything! Really dry mouth at first too. My biggest worry was the constipation! I think I was so worried about not being able to go that I probably created more of a problem than I really had! Talk about OD'ing on prunes, baked beans, metamucil tablets, and laxatives! Nothing seemed to work until yesterday (4 days after!!)
Today I still feel really tired but I am starting back at work (I work from home so not too bad :) should be able to get a rest at some point!). I've got a bit of a sore tummy but my taste is coming back (I think!?). My throat is a bit sore but may try gargling some stuff later to try to clear that up a bit.
Anyway, who knows what is normal? I just thought I would write down how I have been feeling in case it helps someone else :)
Louise x