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Femur Stablizing

rae borg
rae borg Member Posts: 3

Today is day 5 of being in hospital after having surgery to have a nail put in my femur to stablize a bone met that had compromised the weight bearing ability of my leg bone.

Surgery was about 3 hours, and got back to my room in agony.

To top it off, my femur had cracked in the 10 days it took to get me into the hospital.  No wonder i was in pain...

Everything just got worse.  The nurses although they had been given my list of cancer medications, and the pain medication I had been on for my bone pain, only had me on the pain medication from the surgey It took me the best part of the day for them to get me a doctor to increase my pain medication to a level where I could speak.

I dont know what I had to do to get them to get them to realise Im not the same as the other surgery cases, I felt like putting up a sign on the door "STOP this patient has cancer"  to ask them to think before they made decisions.

My surgeon came by today to see me and asked them to contact my oncologist, my radiologist and my pallitive care doctor to sort out my pain medication.

Im at a loss as to why professional nurses need me to question every decision they make.

Theres lots more stuff ups here, considering it is a private hospital..
