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my journey

julieb Member Posts: 1

I knew I had a lump but doctors tested me both mamo/ultra and said it was a thickening of the tissue and of no concern my pet cat however kept pushing on the lump on my left breast and it hurt so back to doctors this time correctly diagnosed oct 2007 stg 3 grade 3, 3.5cm tumour left breast 12/25 lymph nodes positive eostrogen positive am currently on Zoledex inject every 28 days and arimidex daily now have oesteo and diabetes compliments of the treatments Have had loads of drama as im sure lots of ladies have but recently got a tattoo on my good arm (have lymphdema) with the word survivor and the pink ribbon symbol have too much livin to do so keep plowing on would be very interested to hear from other ladies with similar diagnoses

cheers Jules