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Tamoxifen - to do or not to do? that is the question

marija Member Posts: 1

I'm 33 and was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer in February this year, I had a  sentinel node biopsy & lumpectomy (or is that the same thing?)..anywho..the lump was 11mm, grade 2 and HER oestrogen positive.  I'm currently on a three month course of chemotherapy (and having a blast with all the different head gear to cope with the Tasmanian cold!!), to be followed by 6 weeks of radiation current dilemma is whether to go on Tamoxifen because my partner and i were trying for a bub before breast cancer decided to jump on board...In the midst of all of this we succeeded in having 6 embryos frozen (yay!) before chemo started!

my oncologist is not very good at communication, i'm very black and white when i ask questions because i say it like it is and expect to be well informed.  in saying that going through all of this has taught great lessons and i've had nothing but good things happen because it forced me to change how i look at things in life...i've started meditation which is helping me sleep and yoga (i discovered i have abs)!

Hope someone out there can help me out!

