Forum Discussion

Robsnest's avatar
15 years ago

Changes 2

Well Ive seen the Oncologist for my 2 year check and the change that i spoke of in my last blog appears to need further investigation so off for an ultrasound and possible biopsy I go, not happy, but thats life, just have to keep going. Heres hoping that there is nothing there and its just changes from the original surgery. (by the way scared as hell)   :(


  • Tanya

    Thanks for your words, I think I was just venting a bit when I wrote this, and you are right I shouldn't get to far ahead of myself but as you say that is easier said than done.

    It most likely will only be scarring but its that very small chance  that it wont be that worries me a little (well a lot really but i am trying to keep it under control).

    Anyways booked for unltrasound on Friday and Oncologist for results next wednesday, so we will find out then.

    Until then I will keep my head high and live my life......

    Thanks again Tanya Take Care


  • hi Robyn,

    Ventings good, at least we have this site to let out these feelings. we will all be thinking of you, i know we cant help shreaking, the thought of going through it all again, i had a similar instance a couple of weeks ago, felt a lump on my opposite breast, had mammo and ultrasound, but thank god, all come back clear, so i know what you are feeling once again. its the waiting is the scariest. so good luck and let us know how it goes. we are all rooting for you... Moira

  • hi Robyn,

    Ventings good, at least we have this site to let out these feelings. we will all be thinking of you, i know we cant help shreaking, the thought of going through it all again, i had a similar instance a couple of weeks ago, felt a lump on my opposite breast, had mammo and ultrasound, but thank god, all come back clear, so i know what you are feeling once again. its the waiting is the scariest. so good luck and let us know how it goes. we are all rooting for you... Moira

  • Thanks Moira. So glad to hear you are ok. I pleased to say that my ultrasound showed nothing sinister. So all happy in my world,  It was just a stumbling block, jumped it now and all plans "off hold" and full steam ahead into life again.

    Once again thank you for your support
