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Anonymous's avatar
15 years ago

Tamoxifen and menopause help!

Hi, is anyone in the same boat?...I am taking Tamoxifen (for premenopausal women) as my BC was hormone receptor positive and my periods stopped only  when i started having chemo. They havent come back yet (20 months later) and although I have menopausal symptoms, I have no idea whether I've permanently gone through menopause. If so, I think I have to switch to a aromotase inhibitor...? I'm going to talk to my oncologist about this when i next see her, but I just thought I'd throw this out there to hear other people's thoughts and experiences with the switch! Celeste x

2 Replies

  • Hi Celeste,

    My Bc was the same as yours - Hormone receptive but I didn't have chemo only radiation after surgery.  I chose not to have chemo even though my oncologist would have preferred it.  I figured that there wasn't enough "add on" over a 10 year period to warrant being sick for 6 months.  I was 50 when I was diagnosed and was premenopausal.  I am now 54 and have been on Tamoxifen for 3.5 years.  Just when I think I am getting near menopause, I have another bleed.  The longest time was 9 months.  They say if you go without a period for 12 months then you have reached menopause.  My dear departed mum was 56 when she finally stopped.  I have had a hormone test and it showed that I haven't reached menopause yet. Bugger still some little hormones lurking about.    I was told that I would be taking Tamoxifen for 5 years and then it would be reviewed.  You are right in saying that Arimidex is for after menopause however I have also been told that Tamoxifen can be taking for a further 5 years even if you have gone through menopause.  Personally I have had no trouble with Tamoxifen except for some bleeding which my gyne checks out with surgery (remember this drug carries a high risk of uterine cancer)  I have heard lots of bad reports about Arimidex - it leeches the bones of calcium.  Not happy with that.  Anyway talk with your oncologist but if you are not having too many side effects with Tamoxifen then it's for you.XLeonie

  • Thanks Leonie for taking the time to respond. Yes I must admit i haven't had any real bad side effects from tamoxifen other than the damn HOT FLUSHES!!!...I've been on tamoxifen for about 15 months now and at first the hot flushes were severe, then they eased up to very mild. Now they are starting to intensify again, I think with the warmer weather....but I shouldn't complain.....I've been very lucky compared to others who have suffered terribly with treatment! :-) Yes, I plan to talk to my oncologist about this....when or if a switch is made to an aromotase inhibitor. Perhaps they will run a hormone test to see how I'm going re menopause? Anyway, thanks again, Celeste x